1. Doctor B. - He PM me saying so.
2. Hells_Bells - Funny Flirt, more like a sweety.
3. cRaZy_Like_A_fOx - Kinky PMs ^_-
4. DarkknightSparda - Chase me, follow me, told me. ^^;
5. Jakie_world- Told me so, and follow me around by PMing a lot.
6. Ladykouhdai - Won her heart over time.
7. LadyKaiGyumao - Admitted it after 3rd PM.
8. Les_for_you - Hunt me down to say it and told me she like me only as a gf.
9. Liger Skye - He ask 'What does it take to win my heart"....never knew the answer.
10. marissa_the_armybratx2 - Hunt me down. ^^; She even texts me 'Baby'
11. MistressSally- Told me, fought with Liger for me in my thread.
12. Munkygal - Sweet crush and connection, told me also.
13. Rena Strife - Told me after she was crush that I had a gf.
14. ZeroGT - He even became my puppy.
15. Yulira Arkai - Caught her and admitted it.
16. Tsike - She knows what she did xD Admitted it too.
17. Blood_Nightmare - Soo into me its sick.
18. daemon.est.deus.inversus - Stalk me on aim after he saw my pic.
19. DARK_LIGER - Ask me out more than once.
20. Dark_Foxy - Enjoys talking to me way too much. Admitted after I made her confess.
21. Dark_Nova12 - Totally digs me.
22. Forbidden Secret - I was her first crush in Gaia.
23. LIL_GINI_GIRL - Hunt me down a lot admitting it and asking if I'm taken <<
24. Niamph - My ex in RL. Still soo digs me.
25. partygrl9874 - Kept trying to get in my pants.
26. SexyShelby - Told me after the 2nd PM.
27. tropical_goddess - Never stop hunting me down for fun cuz she like me so.
28. ~beach~babey~ - A hottie who told me I'm what she's looking for.
29. TaeYeonIm - Told me and admitted her secret crush.
30. asheira_the_hedgehog- He worships me beyond all reason. He told me so.
31. AngelRanma- He likes to flatter me. Sweety.
32. Zolo_21- He made that account just to find me and ask me out. sweatdrop
33. laharl_69- Develop a crush while I help him find a gf.
34. Kakashi_99- Same deal as above ^.
35. Jackass05- He would never admit it. But ppl can tell whee
36. -Holy_Orgasm- He like me since we met.
37. AeonTrakon - Admitted it. Hes my so call biggest fan. What a sweetie.
38. Redragon_07 - Sed I was his ideal woman. <3
39. ~FoxyBrat~ - Admitted her lil crush. n.n
40. MidnightFistfight - She wants to marry me. <3
41. Zakat77 - Apparently he's in the waiting 'line'. o:
42. KittyKirara - PM her lil crush. n.n
43. Haruto-Haruto - Its obvious. He tells me everyday. xD
44. `~Blah~` - He told me so. Even wish I live next door to him. <33
45. Drache_Izan - He would be all over me if he was single. xD
46. ELF.exe - He sed 'I would sell my soul to the devil himself if I could make love to Rumor's pixels'' o__o;; <3
47. [L]ord [O]f [L]ore - Ask me to marry him, I accepted! <3
Lyke whoa...I'm luff by ppl and stuff.... cool
I didn't know where to put this, so I'll put it here for now. D:
.Dude, you two have some hawt avis! And... umm... your "ugly" avi is one of the most adorable-nerdy things I have possibly EVER seen.
.Any Avi by you is lovely. 3nodding
I'm not pissed. Because it's not your fault if other people like you. You should have a warning. "Long exposure may cause extreme attraction to user".
D: It's hard not to luff you *luffs alittle bit*.....^^ *stops* sorry I couldn't resist . All must luff you or else D: *luffs more*
Oh good lord lady owl, you are freaky.
Andi. If you don't understand the effect you have on people, then don't question it. It's just something that you have. At least on me. It's these people that just can't ignore you. You're too. . . you. You're real. Not fake at all. That's something that no one can ignore. Some may hate you for that, and many will love you for that, but you will always take people's attention.
Fine fine... be a kinky little quoter. See if I care! ~.o
I want you to have my pixelated virginity D: *luffs*
eek heart Your avi just got so much cooler since I last saw you.
You look absolutely beautiful in that picture Andi.... I'm so lucky to just know you..
I'm here D: Oh and I still have a website that's about you D: millons of people have joined it D: they get on the computer everyday just to worship you D: You lucky bish XD and I mean that in the best way D:
I always feel better when I'm talking to you.. and stuff. x3
Fluffy kyle
Lik3iGiv3 Avi is so...Unique I'd vote it a 8 :D and thats good with my rateing because I'm harsh xD.
I luff you already! And we only met in 2 days.
Rumor makes me have an -Holy_Orgasm- xD
Your a wonderful person Andi. Kind and caring, to have you as a friend is a blessing ^.^
I don't know if people can. I've never seen a drunk that looks good at the same time, its usally one or the other. But if anyone can pull it off you can. 3nodding
You amuse me. Go on. surprised
Yesh. You're so cute, you are your own cutie.
Yesh. You're so cute, you are your own cutie.
You're like this.. 'everything' magnet. And you're pretty damn magnetized, too. O= Everyone is so attracted to you. x3
No but you are cool, nice and intelligent. And unique, alot fo gaians are copy cats using the same items.
You're a support beam for everyone. Everyone looks to you. You help out with everyone's problems that you care about. You're always there for them. And it makes me think that everyone, including yourself, relies on you.
You're unexplainable. I don't know how you do it. It makes me so affected by you. Anything you do. Anything you say. Anything that has to do with you just seems to get under my skin and I can't get rid of it.
*Hugs* You're so cute when your in charge. Bye bye! *Runs away*
-twitch, twitch, shudder-
I have just seen the most beautiful sight on the planet.
I must now go pluck out my own eyes.
Please excuse me.
I have just seen the most beautiful sight on the planet.
I must now go pluck out my own eyes.
Please excuse me.
*Nods* ^.^ You're Avi is special and unique, like how you are as a person.
Even makes me feel special just to know you.
Even makes me feel special just to know you.
Now you're Lady Owl, Queen of Wit and Raper of Aidans.
I know you'd probably help a lot, but.. I wanna be able to do this on my own. I mean, with Sushi, of course. I wanna be able to make it successful without someone helping us who already has like, 1/3 of Gaia bowing down to her feet.
I have to go now... Thanks Rumor! ;D Dirty little girl that is older than me! o.o
Bye everyone! I'll miss you Rumor! </3
Bye everyone! I'll miss you Rumor! </3
Yussir... Joor are a luv magnet!
*breaks into a song*
I'm just a love machine and I won't for nobody but you!
Ooooooh yeeeeeeeea!
Yussir... Joor are a luv magnet!
*breaks into a song*
I'm just a love machine and I won't for nobody but you!
Ooooooh yeeeeeeeea!
Not just you... Both of your spiffiness...es... o-O
How dare ye be so spiffy! mad
How dare ye be so spiffy! mad
Not to be confused with "Tongue"
This is a very series ailment discovered by Mr. CoCo and I
It makes you highly luffable despite how much you try to stop it
Soon though, I fear you will be luffed to death... I'm sorry
*shakes head*
Mr. CoCo: *offers Chris some tissues*
This is a very series ailment discovered by Mr. CoCo and I
It makes you highly luffable despite how much you try to stop it
Soon though, I fear you will be luffed to death... I'm sorry
*shakes head*
Mr. CoCo: *offers Chris some tissues*
Saying Rumor's ugly is like saying Chuck Norris is stupid, weak, uncool, girly, lame, and fat.
Nobody is as hawt as you. Its impossable. Your luffableness its just so strong your lyke so omg beyond others hawtness <3
Omg, I was SO scared!! You are the scariest person when you are a stranger. But now that I know you, I feel complete XD
Honestly Rumor, you really one of a kind. You know just what to say to make a person feel all warm and bubbly inside... Like pie surprised
Honestly Rumor, you really one of a kind. You know just what to say to make a person feel all warm and bubbly inside... Like pie surprised
You're the best sickness I've ever had.
Always in my thoughts. smile
Always in my thoughts. smile
I love how you think and what you say. And how you seem to be so excited about lots of stuff. I absolutely love it.
*looks down at you, surprised and smiling*
Rumor, you are extremely and exasperatingly cute and I luff you soo much.
Rumor, you are extremely and exasperatingly cute and I luff you soo much.
Who is Rumor?
*crinkles nose*
Well, she is Foxy's owner... Em... And Foxy luffs her!
She luffs Rumor more than anyone
Rumor is teh most important person to Foxy
*crinkles nose*
Well, she is Foxy's owner... Em... And Foxy luffs her!
She luffs Rumor more than anyone
Rumor is teh most important person to Foxy
Let me lay down this concept for you. You, Andi. Yeah, you. You're loved. And as long as you're loved, you will be busy. It's the somewhat overlooked price. >>
That would be teh awesome!
<< >>
Rumor would be immortalized on meh profile... =O
Holy hawt secks!
<< >>
Rumor would be immortalized on meh profile... =O
Holy hawt secks!
I seriously doubt that
I luff all the art you have done... That I have seen
The ones on your profile... And the one for Blah, and the thread ones, and Tae's... They're all so friggen great!!!
. . .
I'm beginning to believe any Rumor-made product is spiff-tastic
Or maybe Rumor is perfect
I luff all the art you have done... That I have seen
The ones on your profile... And the one for Blah, and the thread ones, and Tae's... They're all so friggen great!!!
. . .
I'm beginning to believe any Rumor-made product is spiff-tastic
Or maybe Rumor is perfect
I see. I'll keep that in mind. You are teh s**t. I think I want to promote you straight to mod if you want to.
I figured. Decent people don't donate for fame. I read the things you posted earlier in the thread and you sounded like a decent person. It's just that I would want to thank you every way I could. Fairy wings are very expensive. -kind of a rant-
*huggles your head*
So sad that a person so loved is so unhappy
So sad that a person so loved is so unhappy
My Parents Wonder:
Bahahahaha.... oh god, Rumor you're awestastic...
and fantasmic... and and ..
Swell. <3
and fantasmic... and and ..
Swell. <3
"Just where did we go wrong?"
My Parents Wonder:
Well.. I don't want to call you 'darling' or anything like that.. So... Rumor + love + a cute ending = Rumorlovekins. <333
'Just Where Did We Go Wrong?'
My Parents Wonder:
But I know why.
You're pretty, clever, very cute, you always make me feel special, you treat everyone cept no0bs with respect, I admire your talent and well..
There aren't very many people who can make me laugh/smile/blush just by typing at me.
You're pretty, clever, very cute, you always make me feel special, you treat everyone cept no0bs with respect, I admire your talent and well..
There aren't very many people who can make me laugh/smile/blush just by typing at me.
'Just Where Did We Go Wrong?'
I know not to doubt your scoring abilities, you have the
power to meet a total stranger and score with them under a hour. >_>
power to meet a total stranger and score with them under a hour. >_>
I'm honestly not trying to kiss your a** here, but you are really amazing. You draw emotions in the faces so well. I know so many people that have so much trouble with that. O_O*
Rumor's banning powers make my pants happy whee
You cause problems Rumor. You shouldn't be able to talk to single people. >_>
It taunts me by being there! I've been waiting for months and the line hasn't moved! Theres like a sign saying "You want to be with the awesome Rumor? Wait in line to be her GF or BF." And no one ever wants to leave the line to find someone else or take a piss! mad
You're the horny lil' thing. xDD
Okay, I'm sorry, but I couldn't resist. Ahh, that was funny.
Right, but.. um.. you're, uh.. the irresistably cute non-fuzzy Hispanic woman that can easily capture my affection. x3
Okay, I'm sorry, but I couldn't resist. Ahh, that was funny.
Right, but.. um.. you're, uh.. the irresistably cute non-fuzzy Hispanic woman that can easily capture my affection. x3
The power of your personlity keeps people in the thread! When your not here people don't want to be here because your not here with your personlity.
Only Rumor is always right
Learn it
Breath it
Live it
Only Rumor is always right
Learn it
Breath it
Live it
Even Rumor is not always right. I'm sure there's been at least one time that she's been wrong. Way back in kindergarten sometime perhaps....>>
1king of spades1
You are my hero. I can't get over how perfect your avi, your typing style and how your profile is. I just wish I was you. You are my Gaia hero.
Rumor has habit of getting others to fall in love with her by just talking and she causes problems like "I want to break up with my gf or bf for you Rumor!" She causes things like that, makes single people want her and couples break up for her.
Rumor, is like ... better than butter on a stick covered in sugar.
[.K.a.g.a.r.i. - xox.]
Nice to meet you Rumor! xDD
This seems sort of cool... You were one of the first people I saw when I first came onto GAIA...
And I really really wanted to talk to you... And now I finally am! xDD
This seems sort of cool... You were one of the first people I saw when I first came onto GAIA...
And I really really wanted to talk to you... And now I finally am! xDD
`tis the NaFLEkY
You're like the WonderWoman of Art Auctions. x3 I had to think of a random female superhero. D: Then again, the story behind WW is pretty ******** up.
Haha, thanks. x3
Haha, thanks. x3
o_o I didn't say anything about biting, just saying how you make people remember you from something good you did for them...Eh any kind of bite mark!
I g2g now so later Rumor. Damn kinda perfect bish...
I g2g now so later Rumor. Damn kinda perfect bish...
Aww..Zak call me 'Kinda perfect bish' ;-; <33
No, I was implying that Rumor thinks she is
Generally because you are
Therefore making Rumor right
Which we all know she is
Except when it comes to Foxy's questing
*quest still going strong*
Take that!
Generally because you are
Therefore making Rumor right
Which we all know she is
Except when it comes to Foxy's questing
*quest still going strong*
Take that!
*summons hundreds of chibi fan people*
Bow to R u m o r! scream
Chibi Fan People: *worship*
Bow to R u m o r! scream
Chibi Fan People: *worship*
I don't even know who that is. D:

;-; You impress the ladies to much as it is! DX No more hotness for you!
[L]ord [O]f [L]ore
You know what Rumor? I don't think there is ANYONE I know online or offline that kicks as much major a** as you do. Your taste in music is awesome. I swear after I post something and check your profile further, there's something else that just grabs my attention. XD
Your beaaaaaaaautiiiiiiiful. <333
Fantastic! o: <33
Fantastic! o: <33
You > Lanzer.
Let's make you admin. <33
Let's make you admin. <33
[ JungWooIm ]
Lore just stating a fact. Rumor voice = hawt. u_u
Rumor is just naturally a hawt-sounding person, I'm sorry Zak.
Get over it. ;D
*Ish tempted to call Rumor now too*
Rumor is just naturally a hawt-sounding person, I'm sorry Zak.
Get over it. ;D
*Ish tempted to call Rumor now too*
[ JungWooIm ]
Rumor such a pimp. ;-;
R U M O R =
R = Rad <3
U = Unique <3
M = Magical <3
O = Out of this world <3
R = Right Stuff. <3
R = Rad <3
U = Unique <3
M = Magical <3
O = Out of this world <3
R = Right Stuff. <3
Damn Rumor and her awesomeness with art.
Good lord Rumor, you do quite a bit. I appreciate you so much more now.
Rumors forbidden area is like an impenetrable fortess. Good luck trying to get babies from her. D:

I appreciate you as a person that I've met over the internet, seriously.
You're nice and have a bag full of wisdom.
I appreciate you as a person that I've met over the internet, seriously.
You're nice and have a bag full of wisdom.
steam punk rhapsody
I like your art R u m o r! I'm going to start idolizing and emulating your style! You = talented!
You're kidding right?
Everyone knows Rumor can time-warp. Which gives her that extra punch of 63 hours a day of gaia'ing.
Gosh.. Get with the program!
Everyone knows Rumor can time-warp. Which gives her that extra punch of 63 hours a day of gaia'ing.
Gosh.. Get with the program!
:Rofl: heart
Cali ppl r hawt.
Rumor needs to be here. lol
Byes. x3
Cali ppl r hawt.
Rumor needs to be here. lol
Byes. x3
You have a very big point.
a very big one indeed.
I never have thought about it.
to be perfect is to an oppose of people's thinking..
do many wrongs and rights is called perfection.
omg…..once again you taught me.
I really appreciate it from my pure heart,
it might not sound right for you, but I deeply felt gracious.
You are very much genius..
your brain is very bright.
You may become a very famous philosopher.
a very big one indeed.
I never have thought about it.
to be perfect is to an oppose of people's thinking..
do many wrongs and rights is called perfection.
omg…..once again you taught me.
I really appreciate it from my pure heart,
it might not sound right for you, but I deeply felt gracious.
You are very much genius..
your brain is very bright.
You may become a very famous philosopher.
My shoes... I’m really stupid compare to you.
You’re still young to be a genius...
Wish I could be you.
You are a very good teacher indeed.
I bet you will reach your goal.
You’re still young to be a genius...
Wish I could be you.
You are a very good teacher indeed.
I bet you will reach your goal.
[L]ord [O]f [L]ore
A girl worth fighting for!
God, I love your playlist. As always. Marry me and we can compare music all day. <3
A girl worth fighting for!
God, I love your playlist. As always. Marry me and we can compare music all day. <3
[L]ord [O]f [L]ore
Yaaan~ A crush on me? Over what? Yah-meh-teh-koo-doh-sai~ You're making me blush. You have legions of people who'd die for any whim you'd cater, and you get moist over me because I absolutely adore your music playlist.
Speaking of awesomeness. Emperor's New Groove. Mulan. Tarzan. Aladdin. Hercules. Lion King. Tenacious D. Juno Reactor. Rob Zombie. Foo Fighters.
Yes, I'm sure about my proposal. Marry me, my dear Rumor. It is obviously fate that you've come to CB, and that I've happened upon it. <3
Speaking of awesomeness. Emperor's New Groove. Mulan. Tarzan. Aladdin. Hercules. Lion King. Tenacious D. Juno Reactor. Rob Zombie. Foo Fighters.
Yes, I'm sure about my proposal. Marry me, my dear Rumor. It is obviously fate that you've come to CB, and that I've happened upon it. <3
Yay um to whoever is here. Much luff to you all and Wisshy! Meh WISSHY! 

Tae's loving COMMENTS? o: ::
Me Hell?
[~Lik3iGiv3~] :: Keyword.....HARD.
Omg Tae. I'm going to hell. *Ish bad awful and shameful* Wow. What a combo. Oh yeah! *Goes back to being bad awful and shameful* u_u;
TaeYeonIm :: Yeah. You are. But you'll have fun doing it. x]
EDIT: Double meaning. u_u;
[~Lik3iGiv3~] :: You shouldn't be so confimative about my everlasting doom of damnation in hell. u_u;
What Tae Thinks About In The SHOWER
Fa la la la laa. . . This is a good shower.. *shampoos hair* I should hurry up. Yeah.. Hurry up. What do I want to do? Should I even eat dinner? Nah.. I'm not hungry.. I wanna run polls with Andi... *thinks of Andi's spanish and drools* What did I do today? I think from now on, I'll drink water a lot more.. *Rinses out hair and begins to scrub body* I want to smell like coconuts right now. . . hmm.. I have Spanish homework left to do. Let's see how much homework is due.. *thinks about it* Four assignments due. Ugh. I should probably do half of that tonight. Right before I go to bed of course. *Rinses off* Maybe Andi will help me if I get stuck on the spanish assignments. Yesh. I love to hear Andi speak Spanish. Mmhmm...
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