Well,I'm really bored,and really have nothing
to write about accept what a long day it was,after 6 hour I thought
I already went threw a year of the middle school by then,yes it took
that long,Ugh it was too boring,and on my bus I had a bad headache,
lol,The kids were talking louder,the music seemed more confusing,and
I was ready to just shrivel up and die and fall asleep forever xP.
What are chu listening to Jewwi :3?
°Jimi Hendrix-Purple Haze/
PS-I love you Spazz,Happy now?xD.
to write about accept what a long day it was,after 6 hour I thought
I already went threw a year of the middle school by then,yes it took
that long,Ugh it was too boring,and on my bus I had a bad headache,
lol,The kids were talking louder,the music seemed more confusing,and
I was ready to just shrivel up and die and fall asleep forever xP.
What are chu listening to Jewwi :3?
°Jimi Hendrix-Purple Haze/
PS-I love you Spazz,Happy now?xD.
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