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View User's Journal

These journals are backwards, so if you want to read the story start to finish, go to the Archive and start at the bottom!
Part I: Chapter 1
::Kari wanders through the front door, the sun setting behind her, warming her back, disappearing as the wooden door swings shut behind her. She looks around, a tired expression plagueing her fine-featured face. She wears baggy black pants hanging low on her hips with a loose belt. A sword hangs from it in an intricate sheathe, obviously made by elves. Her shirt is long-sleeved, loose in the arms and semi-fitted in the body. Also black. Her cloak sweeps behind her, also black. A silver pendant hangs from her neck on top of her clothes, also obviously elvish::

::A man runs into the girl because lack of attion by starin at the door:: Ohh.. sorry...

::She looks at him, her eyes kind, but she didn't smile:: It's quite alright... ::Kari moves to the corner of the room, somewhat near the fire, and sits down at a table. Her face, hidden in the shadows, is only barely visible by the soft glow of the flickering fire. She removes her sword and leans it against the wall next to her. She relaxes, wondering where the bartender is. Not seeing a bartender, she moves over to the bar and picks out a bottle of ale. She moves back to her table and sits down once more, pulling out the cork with her teeth and spitting it to the side, then taking a few swigs, deep in thought::

::A man a few tables over spoke up:: Who do I have to threaten to get a drink around here?

: biggrin isturbed from her thoughts, Kari turns to him a bit agitated:: You would do best to serve yourself, sir. Unless you're willing to sit there until you rot in your boots waiting for a drink.

::The man looked at her:: Whao quite an attitude on this one, Guess I will serve myself. ::He pops a canteen out of his pocket, throws it up, catches it and drinks from it::

::She bites her tungue, though her palm itches to reach for her sword. She restrains herself, knowing she is still weary from her journey and turns back to the bottle before her, taking another drink. After a moment of watching the tavern's crowd, Kari stands and gathers her sword. Leaving the ale, she moves out into the garden::

*Sane sits outside in the garden having a smoke. It was his bad habit, his way of making things go away. And today was definetly one of those days he wishes he could take back and hide from public view for the rest of his life. He takes a long drag from the cig and flicks it with his finger.* Damn... if only the gods gave me a better life than this...

::Kari walked through the garden, arriving at a shallow reflecting pool. She sat down on the ground, setting her sword to her side on the stone path. Her eyes strayed, scanning the garden. She began to sing softly, not even noticing that she was::

*Sane hears a voice, not just any voice... but a beautiful one. He smiles as he listens to a song being sung. Sane gets up from his place by an angelic statue and listens harder* That's the voice of an angel... I must be going mad...

::Still singing quietly, her eyes fall to the reflecting pool and haze over. She unties her cape and lets it fall to the ground behind her. A slight wind plays with her short, shaggy blonde hair and causes her long baggy sleeves to ripple with the surface of the glistening water. The first stars were beginning to appear as night crept upon the broken world::

*Sane gazes at the sky listening to the song that provided him a sort of relief in his heart. It made him feel alive... Sane not knowing it was slowly but surely walking towards the voice. Still looking up his seems to know he's getting closer to the source and than out of the blue all he feels is a cold liquid on his body as he stumbles foward trips and falls into a pool of water. He gasps as the cold water hits his body making his lungs contract. He makes it out of the water and starts to shake himself off* God damn, I should have been looking at where I was... Instead of listening to that song...

::Kari looks up at the splash to see a man standing in the reflecting pool, drenched and looking rather disgruntled. She had stopped singing at the sound. She stood, moving toward him cautiously:: Why, sir! Are you alright?

*Sane looks up from trying to fix his shirt and his eye's pop open. Wide open, he was in the company of an angel. It was her singing that braught him here* It was you... I mean uhhh... yes I'm fine now *Sane runs his hand through his hair* God I look a mess...

::A bit confused by his first statement, she discarded it and returned to the situation at hand. He was completely soaked. She offered her cloak to him:: Here, dry yourself.

*Sane looks at the cloak hesitating just a bit to make sure she was actually saying this to HIM. He smiles trying not to show his true feelings and takes the cloak and dries his hair and body rubbing it fast* Thanks you for that... *Sane smiles when he finishes and doesn't knoe what to do with the cloak after he's done. So he stands there* By the way... was it you singing that beautiful song?

::She blushed slightly:: Aye, I sing when I am alone. ::She took the cloak back. It was already practically dry, being elvish-made:: At least, when I think I'm alone.

*Sane grins and rubs the backside of his head* Well it was the prettiest voice I have heard in my life... That's what made me wall into the lake... I was walking towards the voice. Of course me being me I wasn't looking where I was going... See where that gets me these days *Sane laughs and looks at the girl. This time studying her carefully.*

::Her cheeks flushed even more and she turned her head to the side in attempt to hide it. An uncomfortable moment passed between them. To break the silence, after regaining control of her complexion, she turned back to him:: Perhaps you'd join me for a drink?

*Sane grins widely* I would love to... BY the way, I didn't catch your name. Can I have the pleasure of knowing it? *Sane turns a bit red and rubs his head again. Another bad habit of his.*

::She smiled kindly, looking up at him:: I am called many things, depending on where I venture. Would you know them all, kind sir?

*Sane's lips curls in a thoughtful position* So you're a traveler than... Well I would like to at least know one of your names... That way I would know what to call an angel like yourself. *Sane turns beat red as soon as the escapes his lips not even knowing truelly what he just really said.*

::She did not blush again, but smirked, eying him warningly:: Don't think flattery will get you just anything, good sir. I am known in these lands as Kari. And you, what may I call you?

*Sane grins sheepishly and looks into her eyes* I never wanted anything... I just wanted your name. I'm sorry if I have offended you in some way. Oh yes, by the way I'm Sane... Sane Drewful. *Sane straightens out his now dry clothes and tries to spike his hair into place without much progress* I believe you said something about a drink too? *Sane winks at her*

::She smiled amusedly:: No offense taken, Sane. Come, let's drink. ::They moved inside and Kari grabbed two mugs. They sat down at the table in the corner where she had been sitting before. The jug of ale was still there, near full. She filled the mugs and raised her eyes to meet his:: So where do you hail from?

*Sane grins and sips his ale* I was born in a small town not far from here called Xentar. Raised as a blacksmith of sorts... But I don't do that, much to my father's dissapointment. Instead I travel around looking for adventure and a job I might actually enjoy. *Sane takes another sip and nods towards Kari.* So where exactly are you from?

::Her smirk faded, replaced by somewhat of a sad smile:: Nowhere really... and yet everywhere at the same time... I was raised in the Golden Woodlands to the west. An Elvish city called Ilithehs. My mother was an Elf. That's where I got these. ::she gestured to her pointed ears:: She died when I was very young...

*Sane's face softens a bit and he looks at Kari* I'm sorry for your mother's loss... I know how it is to lose a mother aswell... I lost mine at the age of 4. I still remember her face when I found... Nevermind that though... You're part elven, and from Ilithehs I have yet to travel there. *Sane takes another sip of the ale*

::She felt there was more to his pain than he let on, but left such a sensitive point alone. Instead, she continued:: I never knew my father. My mother was exiled for loving my father. Even after using all my powers of persuasion, no one who knew my father will speak of him. I never thought of him before my mother's death. Therefor, I know not what the other half of my blood contains. I was very rejected by many in the city. Almost as if they feared me. At least until I came of age. Then I was able to prove myself. But by then, I didn't care about what they thought of me. I just left. I've not returned. I was still young, and needed training, so I rode to Velnarre. There I could still be with my kind, but no one knew of my past.

*Sane looks at her intrested in her past. It was a thing he had, he liked to listen to people but rarely spoke about himself and his past.* I can't believe that you don't know your father... that's terrible of the people. I think everyone is equal... No matter what race they are. *Sane takes a gulp of ale and smiles* I was an outcast of my village as well, because there your job was chosen for you by your father... Mine was a blacksmith, he wanted me to be the same, yet I didn't want to... So everyone viewed me as lazy and no good trouble maker... As soon as I turned of age I grabbed my stuff and left the Village in search of a man known as Lestat... He was the one who... *Sane looks at the table* Mother never made... *Sane's voice trails off*

::Kari tried to meet his eyes:: Who is he? This Lestat? Is he a Man? An Elf?

*Sane looks up at Kari* He's a man... But some say he has elven origins... No one truelly knows anything about him... I just want my mother... I want to pay him back for what he did. *Sane closes his eyes ans sighs heavily.*

::She looked down at the still-full mug of ale in her hands:: I am sorry. I know how you feel. My mother was also murdered. I was young, only a child. ::she smiled, her eyes hazed over in memory:: She was beautiful... She would sing to me... ::The girl fell silent::

*Sane looks at Kari and touched her cheek* She gave you her voice... *Sane winces as he remembers that his mother used to sing to him too. A song that was rarely sung now... and yet in the garden...* It looks like we have a lot in common... both of us are outcasts... we both lost our mother's... *Sane looks into the far corner of the room*

::She closed her eyes at his touch. After lingering there a moment, she raised her eyes to him:: I'd like to return to the garden...Night has fallen and I wish to read the stars...

::She smiled softly at him as she stood:: Feel free to join me whenever you wish... ::At that, she left him and moved out into the garden. Alone once more, she sang again as she walked along the white stone path. She reached the pool again and knelt, leaning back on her hands and looking up at the star-ridden sky as she continued to sing::

I don't know what words I can say
The wind has a way to talk to me
Treetops sing a silent lullaby
I pray for reply, I'm ready

Quiet day calms me
Oh serenity
Someone please tell me
Ooh, what is it they say?
Maybe I will know one day...

*Sane follows her outside but stays in the shadows. He didn't want to interupt her. He liked her... she actually cared. Unlike all the other people he met in his travels.* That's a very pretty song... *Sane whispers into the dark. As he closes his eyes and sighs*

::She didn't notice him at all as she sat there, reading the stars as was a rare gift of Elvish blood. She finished one song and switched to another, the song her mother used to sing to her...::

Fin tine alotica
Evitutui solota
Fin tine aloluca
Endakua selet
Nifaelu estia

Wing Chant, alotica
Envitudi silota
Fing tine aloluca
Secaticla luvel
Flolelia mochesti

Tak ium toun
Nafin vile fou

Fin tine alotica
Envitudi silota
Fin tine
Aloluca endagua selet
Fivalu estia endigalite...

*Sane sits on the grass listening to the song as he drifted off to sleep*

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