There is nobody online! ><
Everyone disappeared and they didn't even tell me why! They just vanished off the list of my YIM and AIM!!! WTF!? There is like a frick'n David Copperfield virus in my computer.
There is nobody to talk to and I'm trapped here in my room with absolutely no where to go and nothing to do and I'm having to resot to talking to my self... its not so bad.
The sad thing is that I feel like I'm being ignored everywhere and that is REALLY pissing me off. Though I can't blame some of them because they are all they way in Hawaii having a good time and stuff... lucky them. At least they get to see friends and play on the beach and do stuff.
This sucks.
This REALLY sucks.
I am so used to having attention poured on me form my friends that when they aren't there anymore I kind of shrivel up and die inside....

But now I don't have to anymore. ^_^
Because she can hear me.

We talk to each other more and more so I can live again.
She tells me things she won't tell others.

She is really cool and she tells amazing stories!
My name is Lily.

She is very kind to me, and hope we'll be really good friends!