Lately I've been listening to this singer named Loreena Mckennitt.
And she had the most beautiful voice I have ever heard, ^_^ and the best part is; now that I listen to her music more and more, her songs seem to be influencing my vocal chords to start sounding like her when I sing!

In my opinion that means = WAAAAAAAHHOOOOOOOO!!!!! xd

So now I am trading off between listening to Loreena Mckennitt and Evanessance. I am so excited! whee I can't wait to hear my voice in a month or two. *dances*

Loreena has some of the most interesting musical themes that she sings about.
UNLIKE EVERYONE ELSE; she doesn't sing about rejection or emo things... In fact, she gets most of her songs from folk lore in history and she'll sing about some of the most diverse topics. One of my favorite songs is the Highwayman; I cried because the song was so tragic and yet at the same time, sung and told so beautifully.

Another song of hers that caught my eye was Huron 'Beltane' Fire Dance, it has a REALLY catchy beat in the second half of the song.