Welcome to Gaia! :: Arenas

  • Arenas
  • Still Alive 1.5 Author's notes
Comments (7 Comments)
  • King Weeb - 04/29/2014
  • For an effective story, you REALLY should not need all these notes to explain how to read a simple page... it could have all gone in the description. It distracts from the art and story!
  • pixie_dyris - 09/12/2011
  • Your art is at a pretty good level (of course there's always room for improvement) and the story has a new fresh idea so it's pretty interesting smile Going to follow it now
    Keep going!
  • Viperie - 07/18/2010
  • Its about time someone came up with a new idea. im getting tierd of vampires and werewolves even thout im a big fan of the twilight series. so you instantly get five stars! =3
  • ApoluneDusk - 04/25/2010
  • I like it. The spelling is a LOT better than most comics on the internet nowadays, and for that, and the great artwork, I shall give you 5/5. smile
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