Arenas | Gaia Online

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  • Arenas
  • Another of lucy from Elfen =]
  • Title: Another of lucy from Elfen =]
  • Artist: J4ck_Fr0st_X
  • Description: Everyone was so nice with my last picture i decided to draw another =]
  • Date: 09/04/2008
  • Tags: another lucy from elfen
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Comments (7 Comments)
  • Yokoama - 01/18/2009
  • There's a lil problem with the thumb on the hand, but other than that, this picture is awesome. Shading is perfect and it looks just like her. It's great. 5/5
  • Ysandir - 09/05/2008
  • Good job, as every one has said the shading is awasome and the drawing itself is lovely. I like how the emotion shows clearly through in the expression on her face. The body language also works well with that. Hand is off, as balck said, but hands are one of the hardest parts of human anatomy. As far as it goes, that's a pretty good hand compared to 95% of the people out there. smile Keep goin, I love it!
  • black_n_red - 09/04/2008
  • So beautiful. shading is lovely. the only thing i can comment apon, is the hands, very good, but need a little more diffintion with shading and such. Also, the hair, it disappears into the shading at her collar bones. Keep up the good work!
  • Cormag the Blade - 09/04/2008
  • You seriously drew that? That's frikin amazing... my art isn't that good O.o Awesome buddy, the shading's real good and the proportions are perfect. Very great job.
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