Arenas | Gaia Online

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  • Arenas
  • *Face Lines* - making a point
  • Title: *Face Lines* - making a point
  • Artist: Emi Roxall
  • Description: Ok, so this isnt a serious drawing. It took about 20mins.
    How many of get really annoyed when people leave comments on your pictures: You need to try maping out you faces. Sorry I wont rate it until you do. I get tose on EVERY pic. To be honest they annoy the crap outta me. Its like people cant find anything else to say, and by saying something like "face map" makes them feel smart.

    Heres to you "face map" people. Proof that I draw face maps! I hope you feel important ! =D
  • Date: 02/05/2009
  • Tags: face lines
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