• Dear Santa,

    I write this letter, and by the cookies I do place
    so hopefully you will see
    what is written on this pages face.
    You can take my presents back,
    I don't need any this year.
    If you would grant one Christmas wish
    among all the holiday cheer.

    I lost my friend this year.
    We buried her and her mommy Christmas Eve.
    Mommy's tried to explain to me
    Why they had to leave.
    In this festive season
    When friends and family meet,
    and even strangers receive
    A very friendly greet.

    I know you aren't normally
    the one to take people home.
    But please, I ask, for this once
    Will you please take some?
    She is a very special friend,
    One I've never had before.
    One who never asked much of me
    and will now ask no more.

    Her mommy wasn't very rich
    they were very very poor,
    and their trailer was so cold that many times,
    they showed up at the door,
    thread-bare were their mits, and clothing,
    and they shivvered as they stood.
    We'd bring them inside, and they'd stand before the fire
    and warm up as best they could.

    But they were very rich Santa,
    She always told me that,
    and they would travel far an wide
    at a single drop of a hat.
    They're favorite place was Arabia,
    where they would have IceCream and gaze over the sand
    And they were never cold there
    as they gazed over the land.

    I asked how they could do this,
    how they had so much fun.
    And her mommy smiled down at me,
    and said they used their imagination.
    That no matter how much money they had,
    even if it were none,
    no one could keep them
    from their vacation in the sun.

    but now the sun is gone for them;
    we buried them in the ground.
    and I put their presents in with them
    where I hoped they would be found.
    'Cause I'm sure that even angels
    can open presents they receive
    even if they were given
    to the bodies they had to leave.

    My Christmas wish Dear Santa,
    I trade my presents for
    Is you take my friend and her mommy
    very very far.
    And take them to Arabia,
    where they have dreamed an then,
    let them have lots of Ice Cream,
    and never be cold again.