• It was the holiday dance
    I looked at him, then looked away,
    Thinking, 'He doesn't love me anyway.'
    'Plus, it's all wrong, he's my best guy friend!'
    My heart torn and in shatters, I walked away,
    Toward the punch bowl, where my other friends await.
    Then, I stop abruptly; someone's watching me, but who?
    I turn around, and blush, for it is him watching me.
    I meet his eye, and then smile, my blush still apparent.
    I change my course, and head for the door, silently telling him,
    "Follow me! I want to talk to you!"
    I hear footsteps follow me as I emerge into the hallway,
    Stopping a few feet out the door.
    I sense him behind me, and feel his hand-his warm hand-on my shoulder.
    "What did you want to talk about?" he asks, and my blush becomes brighter,
    As I realize we are under the mistletoe. 'Better now or never,' I think,
    And I take a deep breath...I turn around, and with my face cherry red, say-
    "I love you, Ichigo!"
    My eyes are screwed shut, afraid of what he'll say...
    Then, my eyes fly open in shock, as I feel his hand-his tender hand-on my face
    I look into his eyes, and see something I've never seen in them before-
    "Ichigo?" I question, barely audible
    His face moves toward mine, his mouth moving to my ear, and he whispers-
    "I love you to, Kira."
    He pulls me close, and I, in shock, rest my head on his chest.
    Then, the shock going away, I close my eyes and smile, snuggling closer to him
    Not even missing the kiss under the mistletoe, and thinking,
    'The holidays really are for miracles, after all...'