• Eyes flutter open, vision obscured by the decorated window
    Covered in white, a soft blanket settles on the town
    The promise of winter's own playground, fresh in the air

    The raging storm outside beckons
    Asking for a playmate to come and enjoy its work
    Trees bending dangerously in the vehement wind
    Held in place by ancient roots

    Cheeks a deep red from the raw wind whipping out
    Skies still dark grey, clouds surrounding a sun that yearns to shine
    A single rose, fallen to the white ground
    An imprint created
    Hands picking up the lone survivor
    A small beauty that remained from easier times

    Quiet and cold, the storm continues
    A vagarious struggle between beauty and perseverance
    All a part of nature's cycle of life
    Not unlike the way I feel
    For we may be many miles apart,
    But I find solace in knowing that
    Our hearts are beating in synchronicity