• While the holidays are usually the time of cheer,
    There are still those who make it a career.

    They market, and sell and advertise,
    What used to make you happy you soon despise.

    They use the season and wring it dry,
    Of all the cheer it's supposed to imply.

    They modernize it and use it too much,
    Every year they make it a crutch.

    The holidays are supposed to be about giving,
    About the love for others and the joy of living.

    But they push it and push it, make it about greed,
    They put things in your face, and soon you buy things no one needs.

    What ever happened to the good ol days?
    When it was about family, about a time to just play?

    A time when one present was just fine,
    That new whistle you wanted was absolutely sublime?

    It saddens the soul to see things this way,
    To see no joy in just having that one day?

    This is what happens when marketing is out of hand,
    We lose some of the principles that founded this land.

    Be kind, be grateful, be loving and true,
    And when that day comes all that's needed is you.

    So when you're out shopping, and think you need more,
    Ask yourself, what is it for?