• The Star Rider

    Oh, my Beloved Child, He has chosen you.
    You, above all others for you see . . .
    His time has come too.

    Get on the back of greatness,
    With a crystal horn,
    And gossamer wings of silver.
    Those hooves were made for running
    Along a galaxy which goes on forever.

    Those eyes look sad--
    Yet a flame burns too.
    This noble steed has strength enough;
    Enough strength to carry you.

    "Here my Darling,"
    I boost you into the saddle.
    Your Guardian stands up tall;
    He's seen enough of battle.

    It is said that heaven lies amongst the constellations
    And that everyone must find it someday.
    My Dear One, that's why he has come--
    To take you to a place where the sun graces each day.

    Don't fear Little One,
    He will guide you with his grace.
    You will not slip or fall,
    He shall lead you to a wonderous place.

    Your Daddy will be there, of that I am sure.
    He has waited long for this date.
    He will scoop you into his arms and hug you
    When you meet at the Golden Gate.

    Wipe those tears from your eyes.
    My Sweet Child, I will see you soon!
    One day, I promise you,
    Together we'll soar to the moon.

    Goodbye my Star Rider.
    Starlight shines in your angel's mane,
    This great one grows impatient,
    It's time to walk down the starry lane.