• Many call it the best time of the year,
    Others cherish it for it's nothing to fear.
    But what makes Christmas the best holiday?
    It is that families can spend time together if I may say.
    But even if Christmas is not the holiday you celebrate,
    Whether it's Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or even a holiday you create,
    Please enjoy this poem and always remember,
    it's the true meaning of the holidays that creates a lot of splendor.

    Children run out and spend their vacation time.
    And especially want presents that cost more than a dime.
    Yet they have been told that it is the thought that matters.
    And that they should give cookies to Santa so he can get fatter.

    As the weeks of December go by fast,
    children gaze at the presents from first to last.
    They nag on hoping they can open their presents early,
    even trying to find the presents their parents hid so clearly.

    But on the day of Christmas, smiles shine so brightly,
    and everyone wonders if their presents are sightly.
    Now wrapping paper is recklessly thrown everywhere,
    there is not one spot on the ground but to spare.

    From toys to candy,
    to kisses to money,
    to games to something funny,
    and maybe even a fluffy bunny.
    Everyone is surprised at the present at hand,
    and what comes next is oh so grand.
    Thank yous are passed by to and fro,
    Making sure everyone is happy and not feeling low.

    Now what else could make this a perfect holiday?
    Of course snow would add to this day in every way.
    A white Christmas, wouldn't that be the best?
    So everyone could play after they have their rest?
    Now that sounds like an awesome Christmas to me.
    And hopefully you will have one too, you'll see.

    But eventually it all comes down to just one thing,
    It is the memories you create during this wonderful greeting.
    Show the ones most close to you that you love them,
    And I guarantee that hopefully there won't be any mayhem.
    But instead it'll just be another one for the scrapbook,
    And not anything someone should simply overlook.
    Good memories are what creates a perfect holiday,
    And trust me, it's not something anyone should believe is a cliche.

    Now, all I have to say is I bid you adieu,
    and wait until the New Years come to start a brand new.
    I hope you all have a perfect day and night,
    make sure your holiday vacation is simply out of sight.