• The music is so sad and slow
    in this place im all alone
    the cold wind sweeps me in a blow
    its so hard to do this alone

    walking alone in this cold street
    a lone tear escaped my eye
    I felt an ache in my feet
    why can't i just give up and die?

    I fell down in the cold hard floor
    thinking, 'what is my life for?'
    I felt more tears flood my eye
    I pity myself as I cry

    The rain fell so hard on me
    the sky darkened as more clouds came in
    the thunder roared so high above
    why is the weather so angry and mean?

    I wiped my eyes and started to walk
    The rain never seem to cease
    i hugged myself and looked forward
    and i saw a cliff, bright with light

    I remembered the days long past
    why is time so cruel and fast?
    i felt my feet start to run straight to the cliff
    "finally... Im free.... At last"

    (me: so random and weird, wait im not even emo. huh, i wonder how these words flooded my head... yeah, im weird)