• Breaking Away

    Breaking away,
    I'm falling to peices,
    Like a puzzle I lie,
    Scattered and hidden,
    Yet so plain to see,

    Will you help pick me up?
    Be there as a beam,
    someone I can trust,
    and help me threw this feeling?

    Breaking away,
    but yet so much together,
    This Jigsaw isn't so hard to peice together,
    I'm waiting, so silently,
    Waiting for you,

    Will you be there?
    At the end of it all,
    I can see your siloette,
    yet you're not much closer,
    Is this just a tease, or are you here to help me?

    Finally I see you, Am I being uplifted?
    I can see the final peice being placed in,
    I fell so much better,
    Thank you, my dear friend.
    Thank you.