• My crystal alarm tune woke me up.
    Ah, it was such a strange dream indeed.
    I don't bother to fold up my blanket,
    I leave the cold blue walls, the cuddly toys
    but not my dream.

    As I prepare myself,
    I ponder about the dream and its meaning.
    It's warm in the house,
    as the central heating has been turned on.

    I get annoyed in the morning,
    but after awhile, it's necessary.
    It's not like I can spend a whole day in bed, doing nothing.

    As usual, I pull the curtains to a side,
    and I see thousands of snowflakes falling down.
    I gasp. It barely snows here anymore.
    I eat quickly; hoping not to miss the snow.
    I knock rapidly on my neighbour's door.

    We walk together, we leave behind footprints.
    Soon, all this snow will disappear.
    It's quite sad really.

    I let my foot slide on the ice, while the other foot
    holds on desperately.
    When I get to school, I would say 'hi' at least
    two time to everybody. When I get there,
    I'll play in the snow with my friends.
    These thoughts excite me,
    but snow doesn't settle near the road;
    it doesn't snow here.