- Title: The Blue Umbrella
- Artist: Its Meark
- Description: The Blue Umbrella is a 2013 Pixar computer-animated short film that was released alongside Monsters University. The short is directed by Saschka Unseld of Pixar's technical department. The short featured new techniques in photorealistic lighting, shading, and compositing. According to Unseld, "The seven-minute film is about a blue umbrella that takes a fancy to a red umbrella and, in trying to follow that fancy, gets weather-beaten and wind-blown during a rainstorm."
- Date: 07/14/2013
- Tags: blue umbrella pixar animated
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Comments (7 Comments)
- Little Dead Soldier - 07/17/2013
omgodness! I didn't see this short ><
ammmazing job! 5/5 - Report As Spam
- Player Kite - 07/16/2013
- Jeez dude, this is absolute perfection. 5/5.
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- Emo Kuromi Nui - 07/16/2013
I love you so much for doing this! Oh so friggin happy now. heart
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- imatentenfan - 07/16/2013
- i saw the gif of this on tumblr and it was SO CUTE!! 5!
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- I cat I - 07/16/2013
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- Chandler The Mermaid - 07/16/2013
- Omg I was totally gunna do this! That was such a cute short film!
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- Sakura lady of death - 07/16/2013
- This is absolutely wonderful. Your creativity never ceases to impress me. <3
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