- Title: WALL-E
- Artist: Its Meark
- Description: WALL-E is a 2008 computer-animated science fiction film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and directed by Andrew Stanton. The story follows a robot named WALL-E, who is designed to clean up a waste-covered Earth far in the future. He eventually falls in love with another robot named EVE, and follows her into outer space on an adventure that changes the destiny of both his kind and humanity.
- Date: 08/08/2010
- Tags: walle
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Comments (7 Comments)
- Flaque - 08/09/2010
oh my god
this is freaking awesome *o*
5/5 - Report As Spam
- Its Meark - 08/09/2010
- Thanks for the comments. biggrin I truly appreciate them.
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- Magical Menstruation - 08/09/2010
- This totally looks like ti had so much work put into it! Congratz. 5'd
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- Pelvic Sorcery - 08/09/2010
Made of win.
* U* - Report As Spam
- Sanoria - 08/09/2010
- Fricken loved this movie so hard core...I need to do some disney cosplays
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- Sho-NUFF! - 08/09/2010
- Yet again, you wow the crowd.
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- lollypopdreamer - 08/09/2010
- Be ready to place again Meark. You will for sure with this great cosplay!
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