- Title: The Doctor - Sixth Incarnation
- Artist: kinnykins
- Description: The Sixth Doctor was the sixth incarnation of the Time Lord known as The Doctor. Arrogant, dramatic, self-absorbed, and stubborn, he instantly believed himself superior to almost anyone he encountered. But his brash exterior hid the fact that this was a Doctor more determined than ever to defeat the evil he encountered. Despite his often unstable demeanor, he was always quick to act when the situation called for it, and very little - even his Companions - could hope to get in his way.
- Date: 06/20/2010
- Tags: doctor sixth kitten doctorwho tardis
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Comments (7 Comments)
- Card Games On Motorcycles - 06/27/2010
- I LAHVE IT~ <3 5/5
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- Graelyn - 06/27/2010
- 5'd, love. smile
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- Professor River Song - 06/26/2010
- Always the flamboyant one, aren't you, Sweetie? wink 5/5
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- lanepat - 06/26/2010
- I would rather see overdone Doctor cosplays than overdone anime cosplays. Very good! 5/5
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- Amarah Couture - 06/26/2010
- Even though it's nice, TOO many people are doing it. 3/5 for it looking nice, but it being overdone.
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- TheMentalLizard - 06/26/2010
- Wonderful! 5/5
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- Sky of the Silver Ocean - 06/25/2010
- Hm, it doesn't look too bad. I would ask about the shoes, as they picture you give doesn't quite look like green shoes. However, I am not sure if Gaia would have half shoes/slippers with orange socks like that. The jacket does seem to be a good choice. However, I am not sure if the Kitten Star Pin is the best choice for that pin that he has. I am thinking that something like the pin from the Cordell Doll might work better. 4/5
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