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  • Arenas
  • kurama injured yu yu hakusho
  • Voting has ended.
  • Voting has ended.
  • Title: kurama injured yu yu hakusho
  • Artist: dreamconjurer
  • Description: This is Kurama after his fight with Touya in the dark tournament He uses plants as weapons, and by the end of this fight he had grown a death seed in both of his arms to defeat Touya, leaving himself badly injured afterward.
  • Date: 09/08/2009
  • Tags: kurama injured hakusho
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Comments (7 Comments)
  • -SasuxLuna- - 09/20/2009
  • I'll admit, there are a few things slightly off with this avie, but otherwise, it's really pretty good. I disagree with the others that say it should be male. I personally find the female body adds to overall femine look Kurama naturally has. 5/5
  • Frigid_Inferno - 09/19/2009
  • I agree with that person down there. o3o you should have used the torn jeans for the ripped effect. If nothing better than the vines you found, then okay whatever. I like that your crossplaying and it DOES belong in cosplaying...because it is cosplaying, just from another gender. Ill give it a 4/5 would give it like a 4.5 but you cant do that. xD
  • Ryf - 09/19/2009
  • I'm well aware of crossplaying, and I'm completely cool with it. I'm working on a crossplay myself. However, it has no place in the Gaia arenas.
  • The Real SilverMyst - 09/19/2009
  • @ Ryf ~ It's called "Crossplay". People do it in real life, OFTEN, I think it's admirable that people do it in the arenas as well 4laugh 5/5 For awesome crossplay 3nodding
  • dreamconjurer - 09/18/2009
  • its supposed to be the vines growing out of his arms... It looked more like that in a different picture that I used for the avatar, but the one I found for gaia looks different
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