- Title: Shiki Misaki - TWEWY
- Artist: Tsiklop
- Description: "Fashionable and fabulous at fifteen, Shiki knows clothes. While she puts on a cheerful face to lend Neku some much-needed moral support, deep down she harbors a secret..."
- Date: 09/12/2010
- Tags: shiki misaki twewy
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Comments (7 Comments)
- The name is THUMBLES - 09/19/2010
woah nice ^w^ 10/5
rate back?
http://www.gaiaonline.com/arena/gaia/cosplay-avatar/vote/?entry_id=102309941#title - Report As Spam
- Azi-Moe - 09/18/2010
- Diff mouth and then perfict 4/5
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- Tsiklop - 09/17/2010
- Hey, if you wanna donate one, I'll add it to my edited submission.
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- NobleScarlet_Kaze - 09/17/2010
- Don't really like the eyes, mouth and hair you used, and a coco kitty would definately be a nice touch to it
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- So Zetta SIow - 09/17/2010
- It's pretty good, it scores a 4/5 most definately, besides I haven't seen better ones in the arena as of yet, though there are better items to layer on for your Shiki cosplay.
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- BubbIeCat - 09/16/2010
- I'm going to have to give this a 5. It's clearly the best/only Shiki I've seen in the arena.
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- The Alice Doll - 09/16/2010
- The cutest and most perfect Shiki I've ever seen!! Too bad Coco Kitty is so expensive D:<. Oh well, 5/5!
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