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  • Arenas
  • Dämon oder Engel?
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  • Title: Dämon oder Engel?
  • Artist: NekoTheShinigami
  • Description: She silently roams the corridors of the abandoned masoleum, her face shrouded by her scarf. Vibrant gems shine on the nightmarish bow clutched tightly in her gloved hands, piercing the abyssal darkness. Gliding across the dusty marble floor, she is quite a sight to behold. Fiery wings protrude from her back, while her flaming whip trails across the ground, illuminating the strewn rubble on the ground. ?Your eyes stray to the locket arond her neck, and you begin to wonder. Why is she here? Where
  • Date: 06/03/2007
  • Tags: dark evil scary nightmare shadow
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