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  • Artist Info:
    -Ha₴ёо Taиaкa-<br />
    <br />
    Haseo Tanaka was born into a family of mighty warriors. These warriors once ruled as one single empire long ago. The founder that inspired this idea by using his brute force and power was Ceros Tanaka. Ceros had a powerful seal that he was born with which gave him ultimate power. Beginning his empire of the Tanaka clan towards the early 12th Century, he expanded with the idea of power. The clan grew each day in size, adopting "new-blood" with each day. Around the late 14th Century, segregation grew amongst the family. One side believed that everyone needs to be controlled by a higher power, the other thought a republic was the answer. These differences grew from random acts of violence into a war that lasted for nearly 50 years until Ceros' death by poison, this death marked a new beginning for the family and in some way united them to reach a compromise. This compromise lasted until early 16th Century when the family fell apart and decreased in size as well as lost their power. After this fallout took place, a prophecy was created within the remnants of the wars that became the "family story". Haseo grew up hearing this story many times. The prophecy read that one day the Tanaka's would rise to power once more when one elder of his family would be born with a powerful seal like Ceros' to bring them back to power. To many this was a symbol of hope, to others it was a fear of destruction and enslavement. The prophecy went on to tell that another member of the family would be born with the family seal as well. One will bring about power and the other will rise to vanquish it. A lot of people didn't know what that meant. Was the power or the vanquishing the good part?<br />
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    Arisis Tanaka was born with this very seal. The parents began noticing signs of Arisis' power and feared it to be the very same one from the prophecy; which to them meant he would user in a world of destruction to achieve this power, just as Ceros once did. The entire clan took a vote, during that time being a republic, and the majority chose to destroy the child. However the parents' simply couldn't kill their baby. So instead they locked him away in a solitary confinement. Five years later Haseo was born with the very same seal, the family believed he was to be the one to bring about the light and vanquish his brother before he vanquished everyone else. A couple years after Haseo's birth, his brother Cassius was born with a very strange ability. Rather than a seal he had the power to change his shape to mimic that of molten lava and control fire at his will. The parents believed the two of them would bring light into the world and stop Arisis before he rose to power. After Haseo's nineteenth birthday Arisis came back and destroyed the entire family, leaving only Haseo and Cassius because they weren't around when it happened. <br />
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    Haseo grew up and he and Cassius parted ways until reuniting twelve years later. Haseo ran a dojo to train all willing to learn and as a result became more powerful that ever, while Cassius chose the solitary method of training until he met a man by the name of Lord Hargrave who tought him to control his form and even teach him to command darkness. The two eventually went on to destroy their in a war that lasted three years. Today, Haseo runs the a guild and has new adventures he pursues. <br />
    <br />
    Personality Traits:<br />
    Out-spoken<br />
    Kind-hearted<br />
    Dedicated<br />
    Protective.<br />
    <br />
    Allignment: Good<br />
    Likes: Fighting<br />
    Close Friends: Vani and Sol
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