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  • Artist Info: Hi all! I am a slightly odd person... self taught Wiccan, and all in all? A friendly person, I usually don't do to well with these things... but I will do my best to give a basic description.... just in case there ARE still people out there that read these! <br />
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    I am 18 and am attending a University with an attempt to get a major in Psychology, and a possible minor in Graphic Design, I was born in Omaha, NE.... then moved to Nebraska City. The relationship with my parents is a little screwed up, unfortunately... none of us can really stand being around the others for too long. My biological father physically beat the crap out of my mother and I, and my step father mentally and emotionally f***** me up. My mother and I don't really get along because she expects me to cater to her, and I refuse to be anyone's little slave. Thankfully my bio dad lives elsewhere, and my step father lives close to him. My parents have seperated, but still argue a lot, even when they were together they would argue and scream at each other and me for hours.<br />
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    As far as music goes, I like a lot.... but I love:<br />
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    Linkin Park: This is my December, Mercy, Leave Out All the Rest, Numb, Pieces, Last One, etc.<br />
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    Three Days Grace: Love all the songs, but Pain is my all-time Favorite... there is also one.... I believe it is called Riot... that one of my friends freaks out to.... >.<<br />
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    and thanks to one of my friends..... Dir En Grey: Mushi..... amazing and it gets stuck in my head<br />
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    Godsmack: The Enemy, Speak, VooDoo Too, Serenity<br />
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    Random other bands: Disturbed, Monkey Wrench, Atreyu, MegaDeth (Of Mice and Men is good), Gackt, Evanescence, Within Tempatation, Nightwish, Nickelback, Trapt, Miyavi, Static-X, Black Label Society, Day After Tomorrow, H.I.M., The 69 Eyes etc. <br />
    ***I love hearing new music though, and would love it if people had suggestions for me!<br />
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    I am attempting to collect blades, knives, swords, daggers, etc. Unfortunately, my ex stole two of my swords that I had bought, and sold them off to buy liquor. I love reading Manga: DNAngel, Full Metal Alchemist, Wolf's Reign, Naruto, Yuu Yuu Hakusho, etc. I also read American Novels, I have the three books of the Lost Swords... each one is a triad of popular mythological swords, complete with story! ^.^<br />
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    I used to write my own poetry, and my friend Brandon writes his own music and lyrics... (I know I mention music a lot... but it is the only thing that gets me through, sometimes.... LOL). When I am not going over his lyrics and music, helping him out a bit.... (only cause he asked me too, mind you) I like playing DDR< Guitar Hero (even though I'm not to good at it), Final Fantasy (all of them!), and Kingdom Hearts.... not the best at it, yet, of course..... BUT I try!<br />
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    I tend to notice people's hair first when I meet them, and then their eyes.... love playing with sharp objects, and I am a band geek (and proud of it). I can play Trumpet, Tuba, Sax, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Oboe, Bassoon.... yeah.... lots. I would love to learn to play guitar and piano. I can sound things out by ear, but wish I could actually PLAY.<br />
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    I tend to have things look balanced if not semi-symmetrical... DON'T ASK ME!!!!! I have no clue why... BUT yeah...... I love wolves... either black or white, with blue eyes.... or gold. Blue and black being my two favorite colors, and wolves my favorite animal. I collect wolf books, blankets, pillows, statues, and love drawing them... <br />
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    I believe in proving to the people that you love.... that you love them, everyday.... (as long as its not all.... *clinginess and creepiness* of course!) Everyone has their own ways of doing that, though. I usually make friends with the people who are suicidal, I have no idea why, but I have made some of the best friends from these people, and will protect my friends with my life, and yes... I actually mean it and attempted to several times. I think the main thing wrong with people today is that when parents have more than one child, they tend to lavish their attention on one, and ignore the other.... happened in my family... and still does happen. <br />
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    Hmmmmm... this will obviously change later, but Christmas is coming up, and the rest of my family is Christian, so I celebrate with them! Thankfully the ones that know that I am Wiccan don't really mind, as long as I spend time with them! BUT.... yeah... the whole Kearney thing was a fop... >.<<br />
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    I am 5 somethin, with naturally brown hair that is currently dyed black, and my eyes are (in the words of a friend) usualy light navy on the outside, and fade to whitish-blue in the middle... sometimes grey, and sometimes have a tinge of green to them... LOL... SO anything I forgot to put up... let me know! Or if you wanna chat, tell me, drop me a mesage, and things will all work out! ^.^<br />
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    Well... I think I will add more later, if people want me too...... LOL<br />
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    *an I am obsessed with pocky... all flavors... but I love Strawberry, Milk, and Banana<br />
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    And my current little avatar that I would LOVE to hav... I know it cost a hellish amount of gold.... which makes it an emphasis on the DREAM part... LOL<br />
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    User Image<br />
    Total Value: 212,992 Gold, 73,600 Tickets<br />
    [Item Information]<br />
    <br />
    Item List:<br />
    Plumeria Headpiece<br />
    Masterpieces<br />
    Wedding Doves And Ribbons<br />
    The Family Jewels silver<br />
    Silver Starman Earring<br />
    Pantheracorax Agate<br />
    Marine Neck Ribbon<br />
    Biancamella 2nd Gen<br />
    Sky Blue Tavern Wench's Blouse<br />
    Sapphire Milady Skirt<br />
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