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    Oh hai; my name is Lily. but most of uu know me as Wookey. but feel free to call me whatever. nothing mean tho. well im nearly 15 & im from the UK. im loving life; oh and random PM's. just send them to me. they can be about anything. even poo. as you can tell im rather random. im obsessed with tuna and cheese, fable 2 and that awesome new computer game called Left for Dead! yes yes, im a geek. i no. but im also a girl that has completed halo 3 on legendary. not forgetting my level 54 Dark elf. thank fuck i dont wear glasses. my hair changes color regularly blue, purple, red, green, black, blonde. you name it. but atm ive dyed my hair back to my original brunette style. im just waiting for some new wacky hair styles to come to mind. i do do art. -giggles at do do- so if anyone wants any, you can just be kind to me donate maybe and then ask, and if your lucky u might get some. well most of you know, im a wee bit vain. but only a tad. btw im not some plastic whore who looks like shes been tangoed. i admit i wear alot of mascara, but i leave my skin natural. i dont need foundation. i freaking love free artz; you dont even have to be good. just scribble something on the back of ur hand, take a photo and send it to me.<br />
    ok, i think im done. wait... now im done. <br />
    lol, sounds like i just orgasmed.<br />
    oh and for those of you that dont know.. im one of those annoying freaks that make everything sound dirty.<br />
    x<br />
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    what d'uu think of my photos?<br />
    comment pleeeaassseeee. pretty please with a condom on top<br />
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