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  • Artist Info: hihi smile <br />
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    I am not really a typical teenage girl. I enjoy things such as video games, dirtbike racing, anime, make-up, and hanging out with my friends. I am almost 17, and don't really know why I still enjoy online games... or anything really, that most girls my age do not like, but oh well.<br />
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    Everyone makes mistakes... but I made the worst and no one will ever know I think this, because basically none of my friends have Gaia! But it's ok, I am better off expressing myself where no one will know, so I won't be told over and over how retarded I am. I lost someone very close to me... well, 2 people. One is lost forever but the other will never be as close as they used to be, but she will never know that. Though I have lost these people I know I will live on and the only way I can be happy is to think back to the good times, because there will not be anymore like the ones from the past! Everyone should know that your loved ones come and go, and even though you don't want them to go, it is what must happen and whatever will be will be. There is no use being sad about losing someone close. You should be happy for them because their life is probably getting better, and that you tried your best to be the best friend possible.
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