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  • Artist Info: My name...? My name was given to me by a researcher who worked for the government. When I was taken into a research facility at a young age, the first name I was given consisted of numericals, since I was nothing more to them than a test subject. A lab rat. <br />
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    My true name, however, came later in life. I was named Remiel, by one of the scientists who acted like a mother to me. Once I learned the meaning of that name, I was unsure of whether I could truly live up to the definition and role of being not only a merciful angel, but also, the son of the woman who gave me that name. <br />
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    ...Because in the end, I realize that I couldn't save her.....<br />
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    But I suppose that I may be getting ahead of myself. Let me start from the beginning.....<br />
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    I was a child who was born, or rather, created unconsciously by the weak powers continuously emitted and gathered together over time, from a god known as Hakudoshi. Due to the way I was created, I am the youngest of my 4 elemental siblings, and also the most powerful and most feared.<br />
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    I have 2 abilities, one of which is a form of telekinesis. I can change the vector values of anything with my mind; By doing so, I can kill a man by reversing the blood flow within his body, or uplift the velocity of wind around myself to create a plasma storm. Along with that, I can also allow gravity to affect me, or also block out all sound, if I so choose. I've learned that this ability is automatic, so projectiles such as bullets and bombs are unable to harm me, as they are redirected. Due to this ability, I have an albino appearance, as shown by my white hair and pale skin, because my body blocks ultraviolet radiation, thereby preventing the skin from manufacturing melanin. <br />
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    My second ability allows me to direct my qi into my victim's body, and much like I'm able to manipulate a person's blood flow with my first ability, I find that I can manipulate my qi from the inside out and cause the victim's bones to break or their body to completely explode. Because of said abilities, I've been seen as a threat, and under attack by the government since I was but a toddler.<br />
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    The same government that at first tried to destroy me until the age of 2, changed their plans when a mysterious human man by the name of Dia Na'viera IV came forth, claiming to be a government official- though he was actually the founder of a terrorist organization, who only manipulated his own identity to gain access into the government's ranks in order to gain access to their information- and with his order, I was placed in a government testing facility, given a numerical name, and forced to become part of the Angelus Project. <br />
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    The Government hoped that they could use me and my powers to eradicate terrorists, thus, acting as an 'angel of mercy' to the people of the country that I was pressured to save. It was a female scientist named Aster who I showed a bit more liking to, who gave me the name of Remiel, at the age of 3. <br />
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    As the government continued to use me as a test subject for geoengineering, while also further developing my powers and also giving birth to my sadistic nature, through various methods, Dia Na'viera was patiently waiting, using the government as puppets to do his work for him and having them train my abilities. <br />
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    At the start of my 13th birthday, Dia- who by then, had allowed his organization to be taken over by his predecessor, broke into the government facility to take my by force, destroy said facility- along with the research- and had me join one of the branches of the terrorist organization, located in New Orleans. Dia provided housing arrangements and let my live in an apartment with a female colleague for a time, since I wasn't of age to live on my own just yet. <br />
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    I was killed a year later, at the age of 14, after I unexpectedly got shot in head by Aster. She wished to “save” me, or so I was told, and let me rest in peace, before the terrorist organization, along with my own powers, wound up destroying me. I recall dying in her arms after confessing my love to her, and she later pays for her betrayal and for killing me by being murdered by a surviving scientist who also was involved on the Angelus Project.<br />
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    The Next Chapter <br />
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    From then on, my life changed dramatically. I suppose you're wondering how it could, if I was first used by a government who cared nothing for me, subjected me to experiments, and then was killed by one of their researchers, after joining a terrorist organization, right? Trust me- I hadn't expected the sudden turn of events, either.<br />
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    For my past transgressions, I found myself in front of the gates of the underworld, where I admit to myself that I don't wish to die just yet. A nearby demon named Vyral, happens to hear my wish and my regrets of the life I once lived, and forms a pact with me, offering to revive me by assimilating with me, but at the cost of having my memories wiped clean. <br />
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    Reluctantly, I agreed, and even offered up my left eye-which halved my power, taking away my ability to direct my chi into someone else's body- in exchange for remembering my name. My left eye now is nothing more than an empty socket that glows an eerie red hue to signify our demonic pact. To hide it, I began to wear half a mask fashioned out of a demon skull.<br />
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    Once my soul re-enters my body, Vyral begins to explain that he only wished to gain control of my body, since by voluntarily assisting the departed, he could no longer be chained to the underworld. Once released, he desperately uses me to seek out a charismatic man known as Bai Hu. Rumors whispered about the man claimed that he held the power to assist both demons and wayward spirits, and grant them far more terrible powers. Vyral and I soon found ourselves in Chinatown, having to assist 10,000 spirits that wandered into Bai Hu's shop as customers, while also assisting 20,000 humans/ humanoids and selling each one a specific magical item, as Vyral walked the path for power. Of course, Vyral coerces me to stay at the shop, and do the work, since we remain assimilated, and the work done by me would count as work done by Vyral as well.<br />
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    However, after hiring us, Bai Hu vanishes, leaving his shop in our hands; though is believed to be travelling the world. <br />
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    My life continues as (partially) normal, until 2 years later, at the age of 16, I happen to meet Xerxes; the human/hedgehog man who was mysteriously drawn into the store where Vyral and I worked. My first step to redemption is when I put my life on the line to save Xerxes, after he entered the shop and was attacked by the demon spirits. <br />
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    After regaining consciousness, Xerxes assumes that he was drawn into the store to suggest an application so that he could work there, though he had actually been drawn in to buy a magical item. I decided to hire him, after Xerxes persistently insists, and I find himself slowly falling head over heels in love with him, due to the fact that Xerxes reminds me of Aster, though at the time, I can't yet recall the origin of familiarity. <br />
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    As I fight to regain my lost memory without further assistance and pacts with Vyral, and trying to keep my feelings for Xerxes a secret, six months later, I find myself approached by a secretive young man who suffers from constant headaches. He identifies himself as Perriot Shenlong- a programmer/ professional hacker whose origins are unknown, and unbeknownst to me at the time, Perriot has had loose connections with Bai Hu. As if that wasn't cause for suspicion, Perriot also was commissioned by one of the surviving governmental scientists of my past to initiate the Angelus Project once again. <br />
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    Perriot's main objective is to track and acquire my data. After hearing about my “condition” of memory loss, through Bai Hyu, Perriot explains though a complex lie, that my memories have been taken from me and scattered throughout Maeluxis – a virtual RPG on the net- and coded inside of the bodies of “viruses” that needed to be deleted in order for me to get the memories of my forgotten past back. <br />
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    What's more, Perriot conveniently “forgets” to explain that the viruses were actually members of an in-game secret organization called Era, and that the entire game is a ploy to acquire my data. Era members used illegal software in order to cheat their way through the game and endanger other players while trying to hunt down a legendary A.I. That A.I. is rumored to store a program that would enable them to bypass the system in Maeluxis to mass delete other, everyday hackers and cheaters in the game, while also unlocking an expansion to the world that is still in development, and creating an era that would be free from hackers and safe for players. <br />
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    It was only after I mercilessly slaughtered dozens of Era's members in the game, that I learn that Era's intentions are good, but due to the fact that they go about trying to achieve their methods in illegal ways, they're classified as a terrorist organization, by the moderators.<br />
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    The young female player I come across the first time I log in, is actually the rumored A.I. whose name is revealed to be Nexus. Unbeknownst to me, she actually has possession of my memories, and not the members of Era, as I was led to believe, by Perriot. I befriend Nexus, completely oblivious, while being forced to fight in PvP against various Era members to acquire keys that would unlock their character data in order for me to drain the data that supposedly contained my memories from them. <br />
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    The draining of another player's data, however, is an illegal skill bestowed upon my avatar upon entering the game by Perriot's own programming, but because of my actions, I am mistaken for a member of Era and is persistently hunted by the Admins, along with members of Era. Nexus later has her character data and my own stored memories wiped completely by a developer/player, after the expansion data is taken, since she's actually an illegal AI that wasn't supposed to exist in that in-game world. <br />
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    Due to the fact that a portion of myself had to exist inside the game in order for my memories that were stored as data to be returned to me, I falls unconscious when an outsider tries to forcibly hack and reprogram my character data mid-game, and my new memories are also wiped. The game then crashes and I regain consciousness in the magical item shop, with my left eye reprogrammed and restored to a normal human eye.<br />
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    The Conclusion <br />
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    Left in the dark, I never learn that the same developer that wiped Nexus' data and my own memories was the husband of Aster, the very woman who mothered me, and who I in turn fell in love with before my death. The man had heard of Perriot's plans for the game and wishing to carry out his late wife's wishes, he joined the development team solely to see to it that I lived without my past memories that would only burden me, and have a happy and fulfilling life. He is later fired from his job as a developer, after the director got word of his actions. <br />
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    After having my memories taken from him twice now, I'm reintroduced to Xerxes as a friend, who tries to jog my memory and estimate my age, which is now 17. Xerxes leaves out the fact of much else, after he was threatened by Perriot. So I decide to leave the shop, along with Xerxes who feels he needs to act as a bodyguard while helping me remember who I am.<br />
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    I reluctantly agrees to let Xerxes take me to a neuro-scientist so that they could probably help to restore my memories. While taking the subway to meet the renowned scientist that had been contacted, a 21-year old human female demon hunter by the name of Izuki DiMerla claims to be said scientist's assistant after noticing a demonic aura emanating off of me. Izuki takes Xerxes, Vyral, and me off the train before we can reach out destination, with claims to have been on her way to meet back with the researcher at a restaurant for lunch. Claiming it to be a shortcut, she leads us into an alley and drugs me unexpectedly with chloroform, then beats up Xerxes, who immediately tries to attack her, leaving him unconscious in the alley. For some reason, she finds herself unable to have the heart to kill me, and instead, calls an escort to take me to her house. <br />
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    Hours later, I regain consciousness and is introduced to Izuki and her occupation, while learning that there is a demon inside of me who re-introduces himself to me as Vyral, who now claims to have a strong bond with me that developed over time. Luckily, I'm able to have Vyral extracted from my body, who then settles into Perriot's body as payback for torturing me in the past, and wipes Perriot's own memories. I suppose what goes around, comes around. <br />
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    Now having a body of his own, he rejoins me back at Izuki's place, only to discover that I've received funding from an unknown source. I've already used part of it to buy himself a recently abandoned shopping mall that was never opened to the public, located in a district in Roppongi, Japan, with the intention of living in the loft above the megaplex. It seems that my life is turning around. <br />
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    After inquiring about the indecent, Izuki learns from the Solstice council that the crew that had been contracted to open the mall was believed to have been driven off by angered demons in the vicinity, who had decided to make the district their home. Seeing an opportunity arise to continue assisting spirits on his path for power, Vyral coerces me for a second time, to pay the nation in order to buy the district and turn it into a special haven for his kind, which I agree to. Left unemployed, I then decide to turn an abandoned asylum into an academy for the demons in the district, and serve as a teacher there while hoping to educate the spirits on how to coexist with humans.<br />
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    From then, on, I find myself creating new memories with Izuki after a year together, and falling in love with her as I lives a partially normal life for the first time ever. I finally confesses to her on my 18th birthday and we begin to date; our relationship progressing slowly, much to Rubin's chagrin. Did I forget to mention that Rubin was one of the teachers at the academy, and a 15-year old ice elemental who is a self-proclaimed matchmaker? <br />
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    Anyway, I propose to a 23-year old Izuki at the age of 19, and marry her at the age of 21. We have only 1 child soon after, and name him Seishirou.<br />
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