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    Well howdie-fucking-do there.<br />
    I'm Chaotic Delerium and this is my shitastic profile.<br />
    Hmm...what you need to know....well, to be honest, you dont need to know anything, but I'll give you the liberty of having some knowledge of yours truly.<br />
    <br />
    I go by many names, but Chaotic seems to do just fine, make it an acronym why dont'cha? Oh, and my dearest Homeskillet, a.k.a. Amani_Rose calls me Del Del, but I dont think you are entitled to. I dont know, go ask her. <br />
    I'm 16 years old. Yep....16 magical years on this shitastic ball of water and dirt. Funtastical.<br />
    I'm in 11th grade, so yes, so close yet so far!<br />
    I am taken, sorry all you pedophiles. I wont cave into you. So dont send me your fucked up messages or hit on me in the towns. I'll probably just tell on you. And I didnt mean Gaia either.<br />
    Where I live? Well, I live in good old America, the land of Fuck You. I sadly reside in Pennsilvania....god, its so different then where I originally came from, New Jersey and Flordia. CULTURE SHOCK TO THE MAX.<br />
    I have some friends. I'm not all that friendly persay, but once I get to know you, well we can only go one of two roads, right?<br />
    I dont like it when people say "describe yourself" because no one can describe themselves, I think that makes you an asshole. How you see yourself is how you see yourself, when someone asks you, they dont give a shit about what YOU think about yourself, they wanna know how everyone else sees you and they judge if they want anything to do with you or not.<br />
    My favorite animals? Wolves, otters, white tigers, FERRETS, ravens, pikas, anything unusual and strange.<br />
    I also have a sick obsession with the paranormal. I'm like a fucking freak. I love looking at video's on Youtube and calling hoaxes. Yes, I have no life.<br />
    I like music. No preticular genre, just none of that ghetto shit you hear on the radio these days. Very very VERY little of that shit. AND COUNTRY. I HATE COUNTRY.<br />
    Bands...hmm...I hate this question, because there is so many. I like listening to bands like Rammstein, Nightwish, Linkin Park, Evanescence, HIM, Green Day, Marilyn Manson, Shiny Toy Guns, etc. etc. A random assortment of What The Fuck pretty much.<br />
    Anime I am interested in....well, my first ever ANIME anime was Full Metal Alchemist. Then I went to Trinity Blood, then Naruto, then Wolf's Rain, then Ginga Densetsu Weed, and now I am attempting Bleach. I sometimes watch Black Cat if I am really bored. And yes people, I consider Pokemon an anime and I have been watching that since it ever came out and yes, I still do. Oh, and I at one time tapped Yugioh, now its just gay as shit....<br />
    Any talents? I hate to say, but I am a freak when it comes to reading. Like, 500 pages in two hours kind of freak. Yea, it's pretty bad. And I'm stupid good at finding information. You wanna know it, I probably already do. If not, I can find it out pretty quickly.<br />
    Oh...and by now, if you think I'm an emo kid, GET THE FUCK OFF MY PAGE. DONT YOU DARE CALL ME EMO. FAGGOT!<br />
    Yea...I'm pretty moody...I should be considered bi-polar, but I'm not dangerous so I guess they wont let me...DAMN IT ALL!!!<br />
    I hate yoai/yuri/whatever that bullshit is. No, I'm not a homophobe, I support gay rights, but tone it down a bit people. Good for your enthusiasm, but you are all kinda freaking me the fuck out....<br />
    I have a bit of a swearing problem if you havent noticed. No, I dont have Tourettes, I just like to swear. I am sorry if you have a problem with that.<br />
    I like big words....the bigger the better. And paradoxes. I like mind games and all that, its fun.<br />
    Well there you go. Thats all you need to know. Ta-ta for now, dont come back.<br />
    <br />
    ---<br />
    <br />
    WARNING: This is really long<br />
    I am the one not wearing glasses, lol<br />
    <br />
    The View From Under Your Bed<br />
    <br />
    ---<br />
    <br />
    Do you know what's worth fighting for<br />
    When it's not worth dying for?<br />
    Does it take you breath away<br />
    And you feel yourself suffocating?<br />
    Does the pain weight out the pride?<br />
    And you look for a place to hide?<br />
    Does someone break your heart inside?<br />
    You're in ruins<br />
    <br />
    ---<br />
    <br />
    *will fill this in eventually*<br />
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