• grace de's Gallery
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  • Artist Info: This is my new about me paragraph, ill add to it later.<br />
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    Im Riley.<br />
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    Im not going to do the whole "get to know me, im too much of a lazy tard to write something" deal. Thats just a cop-out. I have my own opinions about certain things, and that will annoy you after a while. I tend to be an introvert most times, so when i say something it actually means something to me. I spend a lot of time on the computer, which is something that i have made a new years resolution about. I tend to hate crazy liberals and crazy conservatives alike. I want to be a graphic designer. You can ask me for my deviantart if you wish. <br />
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    By the way i'm 18, and planning on going to art school. <br />
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    Yeah, its probably not going to work out, but whatever.<br />
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    Pics. They fail, and i need new ones. Hopefully if i get lookbook going ill get some nice ones.<br />
    User Image<br />
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