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    "Water can adapt well, taking the shape of any container that confines them. Water can carve its way, even through stone. And when trapped, water makes a new path. Water is powerful. It can wash away earth, put out fire, and even destroy iron."
    - Memoirs of a Geisha<br />
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    Pisces is a water sign. Like water I have these strengths in me.<br />
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    Who I Am:<br />
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    I do not have any monumental successes that I can claim nor do I have any proud achievements that will impact society or mankind in any significant way. I am simply the girl next door (and not the HOT Playboy kind). I can definately be more than what I am today, but where I am now - it's not so bad! <br />
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    So who am I? I am a young & beautiful twenty-fourteen! *smiles* I am a Quality Analyst in the Aerospace Industry. I love Southern California, particularly LA and the greater LA areas. I am single. I am smart. I am witty. I am wise. I am strong and independent. I am easy-going and SO down-to-earth. I am the Jack-of-All-Trades and a Master of None. I am super-duper computer savvy, and I am a technology whore (so to speak; I appreciate them all but can't hardly afford them, LOL!). I tend to be analytical, logical, and resourceful. I can also be artistic and creative. I love to laugh, and at times I may be the only one who thinks its amusing. I am the type of girl who will bust out laughing at something that happened yesterday. I am easy to please, however I tend to be indecisive. I cherish the company of my friends and family. I am to whom secrets are confided or with whom private matters and problems are discussed, I am your confidant. I try everday to adhere to moral and ethical principals, and I like to have and maintain integrity. Although I'm not always successful, because afterall I'm only human!?! I am too trusting and way too gullible at times, so believe me you'll be able get me everytime (therefore, don't go patting yourself on the back). I have a passion for life and I try to enjoy every minute of it. I am on an everlasting journey to seek truth and knowlege (heh, that just sounds kewl). Overall, I am just plain clueless however, when I do figure it out... I'll pull all my resources together to persue it!!! <br />
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    I have dreams of settling down with the man I love and raising the most amazing children *someday*. But, for now I'll settle for my beloved "kitteh" Chloe, mi bella, and the long-distance phone calls from my man I endearingly call my "Papi"; a Statuesque God of Sculpted Chocolate Thunder for whom after 5-long awaited years... I still have a yearning sweet tooth for!! Yeah you know who you are! Baby I'm yours!
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    Activities: <br />
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    Anything fun. I love to hang out with my girls, drinking, dancing, etc. I tried zip-lining recently - TOO MUCH FUN, I gotta do that again! I've learned to love the gym... been going for about a year now. CULTURE! CULTURE! CULTURE! I LOVE CULTURE! I love to do cultural things, i.e., museums, art exhibits, special events & performances, theater, concerts, activities that involve the various heritages, I live to soak in the ambiance of themed & well manicured gardens, I enjoy observing zoo animals and the sea creatures in aquariums (I especially love the sea animals!!), and anything that involves science and history totally turns me on!! Do any of these things with me and you are a real big winner in my book!! *Grins* <br />
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    Love It:<br />
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    I love everything and anything that is thought-provoking, and that which requires deep-thought. All things that get the wheels in my head turning is GOOD! I also appreciate more than anything the small, everyday gestures that show how much you care or appreciate a person... and by changing the world with small, random acts of kindness, one person at a time.<br />
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    Hate It: <br />
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    Hands-down it's unsolicited advice! All joking aside, if I didn't ask you for it then its probably in your best interest to keep your damn opinions to yourself! Seriously. <br />
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    And things I hate about me? I tend to expect everyone to be at my level and I find myself impatient or perhaps irritated with those who aren't, and I hate that! I wish that everyone had a certain amount of common-sense, ya know?! But not all do, as simple as I think it may be? So, I tell myself all the time that "stupid" people are God's children too, and I make a special effort NOT to lose my head. I try very, very hard to be patient with them. <br />
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    Another thing is that I'm terrible with money, and I hate that I never have enough of it. Oh, and I HATE, HATE, HATE that I have the worst case of "Road-Rage" evaaar! I wonder... don't all these people know they're supposed to yield to Cyn?! Good Lawd!!! In fact to all you em-effer's that piss me off out there on the highways - I raise both my middle-fingers to you!!! Grrr...
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