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  • Artist Info: Hai! I'm Jessie! Yea I'm a totall ninja-fied Goth! haha. ninja I also am a total nerd, freak, major geek, and a dork. Soo yea I'm pretty much Awsome xD (btw, no I did not misspell Awsome, I just hate "awesome" it looks stupid to me) I'm weird..very weird but I'm a total random spazzy kinda weird, so it's all good, ha. So yea no much else to say about me so...TEN RANDOM FACTS ABOUT MYSELF<br />
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    1. I LOVE black<br />
    2. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is my all time fav. movie 4laugh <br />
    3. Cats and Wolves are my fav. animals <br />
    4. I love art, drawing, reading and writing<br />
    5. I think the book Frankenstein SUCKS!!!! scream <br />
    6. I love colorful things despite the fact that I'm goth<br />
    7. I love Fallout and Assassin's Creed<br />
    8. NINJAZ RULE ninja ninja ninja <br />
    9. My fav colors besides black are purple, blue, and green<br />
    10. If you read this far, then u ROCK dramallama <br />
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    well that's me if you hate me to bad,lolz<br />
    oh and my favorite word is Gao (GAO MEANS GAO)<br />
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