• PeachyGlow's Gallery
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  • Artist Info: gaia_angelleft Hello! gaia_angelright <br />
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    I have been on Gaiaonline for a looooong time and I may not always be on here but I always come back eventually. I would love to continue to make friends and keep Gaia alive for as long as I can because it really is the best cat_4laugh <br />
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    gaia_sakura A few things about me: gaia_sakura <br />
    -I love playing games specifically MMORPGs.<br />
    -I make resin art/jewelry as well as polymer clay trinkets and other crafts.<br />
    -Painting <br />
    -I have taken up welding and am currently working toward finishing my degree.<br />
    -Music is great so I listen to anything but mostly rock/alternative.<br />
    -.....Im pretty bad about making profiles so.......if you would like to ask me anything or just talk dont be afraid to message me id love to chat and be friends! gaia_diamond <br />
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    emotion_rainbow <br />
    Anyway, glad to be back on Gaia after being away for many years. I love this community and I am glad to see other older returning users as well. emotion_nope Please do not friend/add/chat with me unless you are 18+ preferably older as I have been on gaiaonline for 12+ years and ONLY want friends my age or older. Thanks! emotion_brofist gaia_sakura <br />
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