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  • Artist Info: hey<br />
    <br />
    im from holland<br />
    i work at a farm<br />
    and i learn about fixing or building computers<br />
    im not that good with computers but i understand the basic things<br />
    <br />
    i like music very much<br />
    you mostly always see me with music on xD<br />
    i collect amv's at youtube<br />
    if you wonder about the amv's i like you can search my name its AMVcollecter<br />
    i hate rain (i gues no one likes it)<br />
    but i really really hate RAIN!<br />
    and i love COOKIES! =P <br />
    my favourite are bastogne i dont think you might know them<br />
    anyway...<br />
    add me if you want to be my friend<br />
    you dont even need to ask xD<br />
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