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    Why have you insisted on harrassing other users with downer comments in the avatar cosplay arena? Honestly, what kind of troll are you? Just pathetic, and i can honestly assumed you are a spammer with multi accounts? Just sad!<br />
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    Moderators can track your IP adresses while you are still unbanned, ban every unsed account of yours, and then you are screwed, no?<br />
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    Also, you are a comment whore who seeks attention to your own profile. ( by the way, your profile is horribly put together)<br />
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    Have a nice life on gaia, because i can assure you it will not last long.<br />
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    That is, if your account hasnt been banned yet wink
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    Whatverrrrr!!!!<br />
    are u lecturing me cause it's really boooriiing.... you know!?
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    No, i am lecturing you because you are an illiterate troll who eats off of others misfortune and anger.<br />
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    You discomfort others to make yourself happy. You are just an ignorant mule who wants pity from all other fools with accounts here. <br />
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    Does this make you angry? not only am i smarter, and more literate than you, i can insult you with more logic, making you think of how much you fail in life itself. <br />
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    Honestly, what sane minded person signs into a gaia population of a massive amount, and expect to feel "special" because you insult others.<br />
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    What a pity!<br />
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    Again, i hope you get banned (you already have been reported for trolling and misconduct, and harrassing other users)<br />
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    As usual mr. stupid who thinks he's smart and all. <br />
    I guess ur the only one who thinks your smart, that would be like worshiping yourself which is like ewww, you are soo retarded.<br />
    Anyway how many hours did it take you to make this low rank message just to say your "LITERATE". That is soo likely be "ILLITERATE" of you.<br />
    Your lecture is sooo boriiing. And like I care!!! <br />
    The only statement I noticed was, <br />
    "you are a literate awesomeness who eats off of others misfortune and anger"<br />
    i'LL TAKE THAT AS A COMPLIMENT. twisted <br />
    Mr. Dumbo who thinks I'm dumber than him. cool
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    As you can see, i prove my point on how inmature you are. Again, Mr. Troll, you are either a very very young user here, suppose at the age of 10 at the most (?)<br />
    or you are a very old person, maybe in mid twenties, basing their life mocking others for their own joy. <br />
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    Basically, again, you have proven yourself the "dumbass" for you cannot spell correctly, insist on harrassing others for momentary joy, and reap off of the hate.<br />
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    And, it seems as though you have been restricted? wink <br />
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    The only reason i am talking to such a fool like you is because i want you to get pissed off. And by the way you seem to be defending yourself, it is working wink <br />
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    And, yet again (tired of the mods waiting) happy banning when it occurs, cant say i enjoyed your time here...<br />
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    The arenas for cosplays, your 15 minutes of fame have ended. Hope you know that
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    1) As you can see I prove my point on how ((inmature))<<((wow ur really literate)) immature you are. I guess ur just another grown up user who insist on arguing a 10 years old ((if you said it that way)) which is kinda "immature" for a mature person to be precise.<br />
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    2) Basically again you have embarassed yourself infront of me saying I can't spell while infact the word "inmature: is not even in the dictionary, dont tell me it's a mistake in typing because it only proves ur dumb aswell. ((Omg I can't believe I'm smarter than you, oh I forgot your already dumb in the first place. blaugh ))<br />
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    3) Restriction I haven't been banned yet dumbass. Who jumps to conclusion now? NExt time you say something base it from facts. You dont hold this account so how would you know? ((Oh I forgot, your actually dumb so you think of a good opposing lines, that is sooo lame of you.))<br />
    <br />
    4) OMG like I'm getting pissed of it. The only thing I see here is the person who insist on replying while infact he can just simply ignore me cool . Now that's a sign of being pissed off isn't it. You trying to piss me? Are trying to piss me? You make me laugh blaugh . You only prove that your getting pissed off since you already said it "The only reason i am talking to such an awesome person like you is because i want you to get pissed off" that is one pathetic line comming from a person who thinks he's mature. cool This your worst statement ever. GOSH your so stupid ain't yah?<br />
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    5) My banning days isn't over yet dearie. I'm still alive and ready to kick your a**.<br />
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    6) Haha who said I'm up for fame in that arena, gosh i didn't know i got famous, while infact all I wanted was to put up bad comment to those avatar who I think doesn't deserve to be on that spot.<br />
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    7) OMG I can't believe your statements we're so easy to counter. That is like so weak, face it small fry, your not my match. I'm too smart for you "Your just a cry baby who insist on taking arguements instead of remaining silent on a single statement." cool <br />
    "I eat all insults man, I dont get pissed, but you got some issues on that." cool
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    Aha, i see. You are a repetitive little c**t! wink <br />
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    Again, twisting my statements obviously proves my point on where we stand.<br />
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    Even though you, the real t**t in this discussion, probably already knows, ill say it again;<br />
    <br />
    You my sir, are a troll. A pimple to the internet, your goals are unclear, yes, but again, you are clueless.<br />
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    The only reason im still contacting you is to see just how long it is until you are gone from Gaia forever, or until you change you IP and come back here. Lowlife.<br />
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    I, am a simple denizen of Gaia, and you, who cannot get over a simple Mature Inmature typo, are an a**<br />
    <br />
    Simply put, you can cease contact with me now. The only reason i even started this conversation (which you deem is going to hurt me by calling me "dumb"?)<br />
    was to tell you that your actions are leading you to your "death" on Gaia. I want to see just how low you can go, and how idiotic you really are.<br />
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    Again, you have proved yourself to belittle your value as a member here.<br />
    <br />
    And as a random question, do you mind if you were to be banned? wink <br />
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    I address you as a male, because simply, you are not a respected member enough to be classified as a different sex. Trolls, spammers, mules, etc etc are all simply low lifed internet creatures bent on ruining others good times on here.<br />
    <br />
    Stop contact now, you already have been reported to moderators from a plentiful of other users.
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    Haha surely you make me laugh. Trying to act so mature, literate, and not being pissed while in fact the actions you do clearly reveals how much my words damaged your puny mind.<br />
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    <br />
    1) Repeating your posts with a different set of words is my way of countering all your low level statements, in short I'm not taking any single statement untouched. And the laughable thing about it is that your statements are so easy to counter. Your only a small fry who tries to look impressive in his words while in fact it was actually a lame counter attack, which only makes you an undeserved opponent in a certain argument.<br />
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    2) So what do you mean about that "twisting my statements obviously proves my point on where we stand." Actually it doesn't prove anything, so lame of you to think of that don't you think. ((Oh i forgot you don’t think before posting, your so stupid aren’t you? blaugh ))<br />
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    3) I hope you know what trolling means bob. Cause clearly you're already crossing its line cool . ((It's really a stupid step for you to say this, for the fact that you started this message cool .)) I may have started it in the arena but you also started one in my mailbox. And keeps on doing it; trying to piss me. Well I'm sorry bob but it's obvious what your doing only makes me hurt you badly. cool ((How weak of you so disappointing I have seen better arguments than this.))<br />
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    4) Hahahaha yet another funny statement from you saying I'm clueless. Can't you see how clueless you are in your error in grammars. Look in the mirror first dumbo, I reviewed your posts and saw many grammatical errors, it seems that the only thing u assured is your spellings though some words aren’t really in the dictionary. ((Again a lame come back and an embarrassing revelation for a person who thinks he's smart and "LITERATE".))<br />
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    5) Lol don't you even read? I already repeated it "I don't care." They can ban me if they want. This clearly states that you don't understand a lot. <br />
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    6) Lol "Denizen?" That's nice of you to use a more vivid kind of word while in fact you can just use the word "resident". And the funniest thing is your using to many colourful words just to say you’re literate. Well that's not really impressing me, you already proven me your illiteracy through the word "inmatare" and you say it's a typo? Wow I don’t believe you, so does that mean the word "unbanned" is also a typo? May I repeat your statement for further analysis; "Moderators can track your IP adresses while you are still unbanned". Seriously you’re so weak, shame on you to tell yourself literate and logical and look your addresses is also lacking with another “d”.<br />
    <br />
    7) Again you have proven yourself dumb.<br />
    <br />
    cool To be precise I don't care being called a Trolls, spammers, mules, etc, it's what makes my day. I don’t even care being banned I already said that, would I even do this things if I care? Common sense.((Shame on you to call yourself logical if you can't even figure that out.)) cool <br />
    <br />
    9) Gosh I've been receiving messages to only one person at this moment, cool and guess who it was? It's you. The others seems to be contented on just one post and just ignored me, but you; OMG I guess out of all the people who replied on me your the dumbest. ((Nice to be in top of my dumbest list in Gaia.)) cool <br />
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