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  • Artist Info: I'm too cool for school... Which is pretty lame considering I'm IN school. I guess I'm not actually all that cool. Oh Well. We can't all be Robots made out of Beef Jerky!<br />
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    I enjoy writing, which I should do more often. School is helping, but not in the creative department. Unless you count my quick wit and sarcastic style as creative...<br />
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    Gaming, Writing, Drawing. Climbing, And just general spastic acts all fall into my daily life.<br />
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    I enjoy watching movies... I watch a lot of BAD movies... mostly on purpose though. I watch very little TV, but do own a few shows that I really enjoy! The only show I watch regularly is HOUSE, which rocks out loud, so that's okay. Select anime also sits upon my shelf. I've seen more anime than any human should, and I know only a handful of it is good...<br />
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    Good Anime: Cowboy Bebop, FLCL, BECK, Full Metal Alchemist, Honey and Clover, Hayate the Combat Butler, Wolf's Rain, Eureka Seven, Paranoia Agent, and pretty much anything by Miyazaki and Ghibli... I guess I like a little more than a handful... I guess I also enjoy Death Note, and the Naruto Manga isn't bad... For that matter, I probably read more Manga than watch anime these days... But that's another story.<br />
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    I play video games fairly often. Mostly Random RPGs and Metal Gear Online. I regret spending money on an xbox... and my wii is only used for gamecube games... <br />
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    Video games aside, I'm primarily a PnP gamer. I haven't rolled out with the D&D for a few years... A lot of years actually... Mostly these days I've been running my own game of devious concoction... Other than that, Its a lot of White Wolf-esque games... I usually don't "RP" online... I just don't like how random it gets... I really enjoy player interaction, which online seems to lack in most of the time.<br />
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    I write... Not enough, but I still write. I have a million good ideas... but I can never get more than half of the idea out on paper before it fades away and leaves me without an ending... I don't particularly enjoy writing poetry, but I do it because I've gotten scholarships for it in the past, and hope to do so in the future.<br />
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    I also don't draw enough, but I've really began sucking at it, so it's pretty understandable. Unless you need a fancy new logo, I can still do that! As for characters and scenery... I'm flat out of that.<br />
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    I like going outside... I hate the weather where I live... A conflict for the masses. Now that Spring has sprung, I'll be found outdoors more, especially since I now live right up on the mountains I enjoy hiking about so much!<br />
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    I'm cool!<br />
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    P.S. Acid Microwave FTW!
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