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  • Artist Info: Hello. My name is Dante and I'm a PERVERTED PARTY ANIMAL!! LOL! XD<br />
    <br />
    Name?: Dante<br />
    Age?: 15 <br />
    Sex?: Not right now, thank you.<br />
    Birth Date?: Mar 15. 1994<br />
    Hair Color?: Jet black. Getting purple highlights! Idk why purple. Dont ask.<br />
    Eye Color?: Brown<br />
    Height?: 5'8" <br />
    Weight?: 102<br />
    Body Type?: Sexy. XD or slender<br />
    Piercings?: they closed<br />
    Tattoos?: no more<br />
    What are you wearing right now?: Shorts and a shirt<br />
    What is your hairstyle at the moment?:flat<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    * Favorites * <br />
    <br />
    Soda?: Coke and IBC rootbeer<br />
    Food?: Ramen Noodles<br />
    Drinks?: water and coke or tea. <br />
    Alcoholic drink?: Nah<br />
    Time of day?: midnight<br />
    Season?: fall<br />
    Day of the week?: friday night <br />
    Song at the moment?: Poker Face<br />
    Band/artist?: Lady GaGa. XD<br />
    Book?: Idk<br />
    Subject in school?: JROTC<br />
    Place in the USA?: Hawaii. IT'S PART OF THE USA GET OVER IT!!<br />
    Place outside the USA?: Venice, Italy<br />
    Color?: black & purple<br />
    Style of clothes?: Punk or rebel<br />
    Store?: Game stop or barnes n noble<br />
    Mall?: Spencers and Hottopic<br />
    City?: Venice<br />
    Website?: Gaia and youtube and myspace<br />
    Magazine?: none<br />
    Kind of pet?: SNAKE!!!<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    * Worst * <br />
    <br />
    Place to be?: Georgia <br />
    Class in school?: G.A studies (history)<br />
    Time of day?: the day time <br />
    Season?: winter <br />
    Kind of pet?: birds <br />
    Drink?: Milk <br />
    Food?: Um...brussell sprouts<br />
    Mall?: American Eagle or Aeropostale Hollister. Prep<br />
    Store? razz reppy ones<br />
    Style of clothes?: prep <br />
    Celebrity?:Micheal Jackson<br />
    Color?: pink <br />
    Book?:Twilight, Yea I said it. Shoot me. <br />
    Type of music?: Slow <br />
    Website?: Zwinky <br />
    Magazine?: idk <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    * Daily Life * <br />
    <br />
    When do you get up?: 7:00<br />
    What is your first thought?: Ugh. Morning<br />
    What do you do first?:Stand up. duh<br />
    What is your usual outfit?: jeans and a tank<br />
    What is your first class of the day?: reading<br />
    When does school end?: summer XD <br />
    Do you see your friends?: they hate me so no<br />
    What do you do when you get home?:play a game<br />
    What time do you go to bed?: 12 something<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    * Do you... * <br />
    <br />
    Brush your teeth daily?: yea <br />
    Brush your hair daily?: not really <br />
    Shower daily?: yes <br />
    Sing?: YES!<br />
    Dance?: HAHA YEA!<br />
    Party?: yes <br />
    Get drunk?: not really <br />
    Have sex?: Haha... u serious?<br />
    Read books?: Sure<br />
    Listen to music a lot?: YUP!! <br />
    Read magazines?:no<br />
    Go online a lot?: sure <br />
    Have a religion?: yea <br />
    Have an iPod?:no <br />
    Want an iPod?: yes <br />
    Have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: Maybe..... <br />
    Play an instrument?: Guitar<br />
    Get sick a lot?: Yea<br />
    Watch TV?: no<br />
    Like MTV?:yea<br />
    Like VH1?: no<br />
    Like the History Channel?: no <br />
    Have digital cable?: yea <br />
    Have more than 500 channels on your TV?: haha yeah <br />
    Listen to the radio?: sometimes <br />
    Still use your CD player?: sometimes <br />
    Stalk people?: Not anymore. HOLY S**T!<br />
    Have more than 200 buddies in your buddy list?: no<br />
    Have dial-up internet?: yup<br />
    Have AOL?: yes<br />
    Know HTML?:yea<br />
    Have a GPA higher than 3.9?: sure<br />
    Do well in honors classes?: haha. no <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    * Music * <br />
    <br />
    Do you listen to rap?: My dad does when I see him<br />
    R & B?: no <br />
    Blues and/or Jazz?:yea<br />
    Classical?: sometimes <br />
    Pop?: sometimes<br />
    Country?:never!<br />
    Emo/Screamo?: yes <br />
    Heavy Metal?: yeah <br />
    Christian?: yup <br />
    Techno?: yes <br />
    Reggae?: not <br />
    Broadway Musical Songs?: no<br />
    Oldies?: haha <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    * In a boyfriend/girlfriend * <br />
    <br />
    Hair color?:dark<br />
    Eye color?: idc. I like blue eyes though<br />
    Tattoos?: MAybe a small one<br />
    Piercings?: Some<br />
    Favorite Music?: rock<br />
    Style of clothing?: punk <br />
    Body type?: skinny. <br />
    Personality or looks?: both <br />
    Would you go out with someone just for their money?: No<br />
    Do you go on "Pity Dates"?: wtf? no <br />
    Does size matter?:I'm not sure. Unless they are TOO big O.o<br />
    Do they have to be popular?: no <br />
    Does the guy ask the girl out or the other way around?: doesn't matter. <br />
    Where do you go on the first date?: Movies<br />
    Kiss on the first date?:Sure<br />
    Sex on the first date?: No<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    * Right Now * <br />
    <br />
    Do you think you look good right now?: I always look good <br />
    Are you eating something?: Skittles<br />
    Are you drinking something?:Coke<br />
    Are you IMing anyone?: No <br />
    Are you talking on the phone with someone?: Yea<br />
    Are you talking face-to-face with someone?: Not really<br />
    What are you listening to?: Lady GaGa<br />
    What are you watching on TV?: nothing <br />
    What other websites do you have open?: gaia and myspace<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    * What do you believe? * <br />
    <br />
    Do you believe in ghosts?: yeah <br />
    The afterlife?: possibly <br />
    Aliens?:no <br />
    God?: Yes<br />
    The devil?:Yes<br />
    Heaven?: Yes<br />
    Hell?: Yes<br />
    Scientology?: no <br />
    Hinduism?: no <br />
    Buddhism?: I hate bald ppl <br />
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