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    It's ME! !Surprise!<br />
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    ------Yo! Natalie Bastte here, I'm fourteen years old and counting down the days till I'm fifteen. I'm a hyperactive, no-nonsense type and I have crazy, random mood swings that keep the fair-weather friends at bay and my real friends guessing. I'm a nice person for the most part, and easy to get along with, especially if you're random like me and/or can adapt really well. I've got a lot of things wrong with me, the first being that I'm paralyzed from the waist down, I'm dyslexic and I have a problem ta ta ta ta talking without stuttering in real life, lucky for you all my fingers are all just fine, so I talk good, though you'll probably see a fair share of backwards worded words when you "talk" to me. Because I can only type what my head thinks up. I'm a fairly fast typist, because that's the easiest way to communicate, I'm pretty good at text-ing too. ^_^<br />
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    ----Well, I guess that's enough of an introduction for now, you pretty much know me by now, though before you swing up to hit that "add to friends" link at the top of the page I know you all have been so looking forward to, please continue my brave reader and learn-on! So, aside from all my problems, physical and mental I am probably the happiest person you'll ever meet, I've got great parents, loyal friends and I enjoy my life, even if I can't do everything that "normal" kids do, I have my own fun, plus while I won't ever know what it feels like to slide down a banister. At least not without killing myself, I'm the only one I know personally who can move at close to ten miles an hour in the school hallways without even breaking a sweat... well, maybe a little sweating. sweatdrop And now that I've bored you with my psych-eval, I'll turn you loose and let you go. If you're interested in what I'm interested in, PM me, but first read in my journal to get an idea of what you want to discuss and we'll go from there.<br />
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    ~Natalie Bastte<br />
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