• WolvenWinds's Gallery
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  • Artist Info: Hey, Name's Jesse. You can call me Wolf. Or Zephyr if that floats your boat better. I am 18 years old and engaged to a beautiful woman who holds all the secrets of my inner soul in the palms of her outstretched hands. I am a philosopher of sorts and have a lot of deep thoughts though I am a very laid back individual. I have had a hard life, so I know what pain really is and can tell when others have had the same. If you talk to me, I swear to you, you won't be disappointed. Give it a shot. You never know what we might agree on til you ask. I will answer any question you can think of honestly. but be warned, I don't sugar coat ANYTHING. Hit me up. See if you can handle the truth. <br />
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    I also enjoy RPing<br />
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    http://www.gaiaonline.com/gaia/redirect.php?r=http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/barton-town/welcome-to-sanctuary-open-and-accepting/t.48728831/<br />
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