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Artist Info:
Call me Capsy, or whatever.<br />
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I like alternative rock, although I listen to a lot of other genres. My favorite bands would have to be My Chemical Romance, Bring Me The Horizon, Avenged Sevenfold, Ludo, Nirvana, and Panic! @ The Disco.<br />
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Religions? None. I am an atheist, and while I do not wish to offend anybody by my choice, I'm going to put it out here right now so you don't think falsely of me.<br />
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I like to think I'm a hilarious mother fucker, but really I'm not. I'm offensive and annoying. This of course does not bother me, but if I make you upset, I will act unrational and defensive and rarely will I be calm and apologetic.<br />
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My aspirations in life are to learn French, travel, and to write. Until this year, I was a free writer who ditched my projects and had little to no motivation to continue and finish a story. I am constantly thinking of new stories and would like for once to finish one. I would like to travel to FRANCE, AUSTRALIA, CANADA, and ENGLAND. I am interested in France for their language, Australia because some of my family lives there and it's a cool place, Canada for the mix of cultures (Cuban, English, French), and England because I have always imagined what it would be like, and because of their literature.<br />
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Some pictures of me:<br /><br />
This was a picture my friend took my sophomore year, and although it is really cliche and typical, I'm in love with it.<br /><br />
This was taken by another friend who is wonderful with photos. At the time I was currently focused on trying to unknot a sweater another friend did to screw with me. rofl <br /><br />
This is my own photo I took on night when I was running high on constant My Chemical Romance music. I wanted to do my make up like Gerard Way, and even went so far as to try and make my hair wild. This was the first "crazy" photo I had ever taken, and it makes me laugh.<br /><br />
While this may be my least most attractive photo, I enjoy it. I wear hoodies, my hair is frequently put up in a bun (mainly because of a class), and when I get home I just put on sweats or shorts and a hoodie and chill. This is one of my two cats, Cookie. She likes to cuddle with me while I browse reddit. - Avg. rating:
- 1 Fans
A story that
wanted to write
ever since I
dreamed it. If
you see it in a
journal on
Deviant Ar - Zombie Daze P...
- Fiction
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Comments (1 Comments)
- Team_Lads_Michael - 07/01/2010
your welcome dear
I hope you win(I hope I win too XD)
But truthfully I'd have to sya neither of us shall place ; 3; - Report As Spam