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  • Artist Info: Gee, where to start? Names are usually a good place... well, as you might guess from my oh-so unimaginative screen name, my name is Christian, though a lot of people I know just call me "Frenchy" (I have no idea who started that trend, but it's followed me since middle school). Feel free to call me whichever you like. Aside from that, gee, not much else I'll divulge publicly. Become a good friend, though, and you'll know I'm really quite an open book.<br />
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    Favorite Movies:<br />
    Let's see, V for Vendetta, which I think is an underrated movie, There Will Be Blood, which I think not enough people have seen, since no one seems to gets it when I say, "I drink your milkshake! I drink it up!", Harold and Maud, which is an older movie (1971), but I think it's a classic, and it holds up well against movies of today's era, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, which is freakin' Monty Python and that's enough, The Dark Knight, which everyone has seen and loved, Gladiator, which I had never seen until recently (my parents were like,"You've never seen Gladiator?!?!" wink , and then, what I'd say is my all time favorite, Edward Scissor Hands, which I think was Tim Burton's best work, and really quite a masterpiece.<br />
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    Favorite TV Shows:<br />
    The Mentalist, Important Things with Dimitri Martin, The Office, 30 Rock, you know, that whole Thursday night comedy medley they have on NBC, and then whatever else I TiVo.<br />
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    Favorite Books:<br />
    Reading? Psh, the only stuff I read is off of my computer! I suppose everyone enjoys the Harry Potter series. But, seriously, the last genuinely good book I've read was Paradise Lost, by John Milton, but that was about two years ago! And amazing book, though. Revolutionary for its time, and incredible still, by today's standards. Few books are on the same level. I'm currently reading Catcher in the Rye, but I haven't decided if I like it, yet.<br />
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    Musical Taste:<br />
    I'll listen to pretty much anything, unless it's crap-- actually, scratch that, I enjoy some crap. I have no official favorite band, because I'm always listening to something new.<br />
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    When I Have a Life:<br />
    Guitar, Photoshop, photography, drawing, painting, music editing, Guitar Pro (tabs zomg!), a little bit of video, a little bit of writing, etc.-- the arts are a big part of my life.
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