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In brightest day, yet darkest night<br />
The dragonfly hides from sight<br />
<br />
yet his shyness will not remain,<br />
as he sees and hears and may speak yet once again<br />
<br />
There are those who still listen<br />
those who still love<br />
those who always remember<br />
as he flies above<br />
<br />
He barely remembers what it was like<br />
flying under the pale moonlight<br />
when he sees the little girl,<br />
who is so gentle and so pure<br />
he thinks he knows what it is he missed<br />
i don't think he'll ever forget<br />
she's the only one that can truly see,<br />
while others only hear<br />
only a few understand,<br />
as he tries to speak when near<br />
<br />
Even though you never met<br />
Even though his wings feel they are clipped<br />
He still remembers you yet<br />
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This the
prolouge to a
story I am
working on
called Battle
of Eternity. I
have the
chapters to the
s - Battle of Ete...
- Fiction
- 2 recent comments
The third
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Sorry to keep
you waiting on
installment of
th - Master of Myt...
- Fiction
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The prolouge to
my new story
called Thin
Edge Inserted.
I won't
tell you what
it is about so
you'll - Thin Edge Ins...
- Fiction
- 0 recent comments
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