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    ME..<br />
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    i am a daughter, a sister, a grand-daughter, a niece, a cousin, a friend. i am a partner, a student, a young girl, a grown woman. i am confident and scared, terrified and excited. i am loving and caring and thoughtful and hopeful. i am sick and tired. i am shy and friendly, and careful and careless. i am broke and whole. i am misunderstood, misguided and mis lead. i am hardworking and determined but a little scared in the inside. i wish on stars and dream my dreams. i pray to allah and cry my tears. i smile on the outside, while i'm dying in the inside. i am everything and nothing all at once.<br />
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    FAMILY..<br />
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    my mother can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take. my father, when it comes to family, he is strong. when it comes to leading the way, he gives gentle guidance. me and my siblings didn't agree much, infact we rarely agreed at all. we fought all the time and challenge each other everyday. but in spite of our differences, we had one thing in common, we love each other.<br />
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    LOVE..<br />
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    i want it to be INCONVENIENT. i want a love that i would SACRIFICE my life for. i want the KIND of love that WAKES ME UP at 3am. i want love that HURTS. love that i have to WORK for. i want love that TESTS me. i want the love that is HARD TO FIND, HARD TO KEEP, and HARD TO LET GO. i want love that makes me CRY. i want to HOLD ON even if it takes me through my WORST NIGHTMARE. but most of all i want the kind of love that's WORTH all that.<br />
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    FRIENDS..<br />
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    we're all just SILLY LITTLE girls who FALL in love way too easily, LAUGH way too hard, ACT completely DUMB, make our LIVES way more DRAMATIC than they should be, TALK way too much CRAP && would be COMPLETELY lost [without each other]. through it all.. the nights that lasted forever and the days that went by so slowly, the crazy times that we will replay in our heads as our best ever. all the boys we've kissed. the boys that have broke our hearts with the promises they never kept. the alcohol that we drank all too quickly on nights that everything seemed to go wrong. the other girls that hated us and envied the life we led.<br />
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    && by the way, sam is the name c;<br />
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    waaiit >.< i forgot.<br />
    i <3 comments, && random ones too.
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