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  • Artist Info: I have something called CRPS. It means I'm on fire. Pretty awful. Yup. Not much you need to really know about me other than my disabled tuckus is here lurking in pain. A lot.<br />
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    Um. I like Lake Kindred. Grinding makes me forget I'm on fire. Or I'll pop out some Pokemon. IDK.<br />
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    gaia_spoons gaia_spoons
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    I forget I didn't answer your mail, guys. I answer it in my head. Or I'll look at your messages, get physical pain while trying to answer in as few words as possible, and stop midway so I can use a heating pad...and then never answer.<br />
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    I want to say I'm really sorry for that. Cause I don't mean to not answer. I want to have friends and answer everything. But I forget. Or I'm tired. Or I am on fire and I forget and I'm tired.<br />
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    I'm sorry my body is trash but I am not ever ignoring you on purpose. Come chase me down. Seriously. I likely forgot. Because my body is trash.
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