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  • Artist Info: Name:Sword Tenria<br />
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    Age:25,000 (appears to be in mid twentys)<br />
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    Race:Kitsune/vampire/black dragon(ish the kitsune devil)<br />
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    Personality: Sword has two personalitys, His normal personality is a calm helpfull person, he can be one of te most loving perople.but cross him and he lets his other personality take over. this personality could care less about life, he will ends one life if he need to do so .this personality is named Fire or Flame.<br />
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    Bio:Sword was born out of the hotest flames. Born out of the flames he was considered a abnormal kitsune.Sword having been tormeted by hunters let Fire take control of his body for a awhile. after a few months of his life of travling to village to village sometimes burning them to the ground. he came across a Clan of Kitsunes who took him in as their own.after living a year with the kitsune clan Fire found his frist love. him and his love named Kara had only one child, a daughter named Ren. but a few months after Ren was born Fire had found out that kara had fallen for another male kitsune. this made Fire teribly angry and full of hate. with swords caring personality not around Fire killed Kara. After doing so the clan attacked and nearly killed him, taking Ren away from him. just on the brink of death e was found by dark monks who absolutely hated all Kitsunes. but they saw how much hatred he had within him and decided not to kill him, instead they performed a ceromony on him, intertwining his soul with another. Fire took control of the new soul making him and sword two diffrent people in the same body. after doing this ceromony the monks had made Sword and Fire into the Kitsune devil. after he was introduced to his new powers, he went and killed the clan that had nearly killed him. taking back Ren wasnt what had caused him to kill them all, he just hated the clan. now with his tormented curse of being the kitsune devil he sometimes hunts down female kitsune. were most of his hate lies. after awhile of mindless killing sword and fire found a way to subdue this hunger, it was by turning into a thrid of a Vampire that they learned control. Now he Live with his family of four children and his New Wife.<br />
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    wepons:Twin katanas, named Sin and Death. sin made of Daimond and Death made of unknown black metal. also a unknown amount of Vails full of poisons, and Kunais<br />
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    Appearance:Stands about 6'7, long crimson hair. Fine muscle tone but also a sleek body. tweent five black red tiped fox tails and black red tiped fox ears. Two jagged scars rund down from the top of each eye to the lower part of his jaw, most likely from a claw. a dark hodded cloak and long red baggy pants. under his chainmail his body and arms have tattoos curled and coiled around his body.
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