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  • Artist Info: I turned this spare account into something! biggrin <br />
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    Note: Daniel "Jausse" Logan is MY character and is copyrighted to me. Don't even try to steal him.<br />
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    Name: Daniel "Jausse" Logan<br />
    Age: 21-22<br />
    Height: 6 feet 9 inches<br />
    Weight: 205 lbs (all muscle)<br />
    Eyes: Grayish-black<br />
    Hair: Light silver-grey<br />
    Distinguishing features: Has Shark teeth instead of human teeth. Gills on the side of his neck.<br />
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    About Jausse: Daniel Logan was a young boy indeed when he was taken away from his family by scientists. He became part of an experiment of genetic mutation, causing himself to be injected with animal genetics. Daniel was combined with a shark, and as he grew up, he became more and more like a shark. His codename and experiment name was "Jausse", after the shark in the movie.<br />
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    The experiment had an enormous effect on Jausse, both physically and mentally. His height became huge (and he would've grown even taller if the scientists hadn't noticed and stop the growth),and his hair turned from the original light brown he had to the silver shark color it is now. His skin became slick like a sharks, and he developed gills on his neck. The biggest change was in his teeth, however. Jausse's teeth and mouth turned into that of a sharks, and his jaws had all the power and strength of a great white.<br />
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    Mentally, Jausse had less change. He became very quiet, rarely speaking, preferring to communicat through sign language. However, when he speaks, his voice is a little raspy, but sounds like a boy in his late teens. Another change is that he can communicate with animals well, as certain animals sense Jausse as one of them (however, many animals view him as a predator, or a landshark). The biggest and most dangerous effect is that if Jausse sees or smells blood, he will revert into a shark's "blood frenzy" and go berserk, ripping or tearing at whatever is in front of him (and with his teeth, it's not hard to). Eventually, he will calm down, but because of his great strength, he becomes a dangerous opponent.<br />
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    Personality: It is questionable if Jausse is considered a skitzophernic due to his blood frenzies. However, when he is not fighting, Jausse has a very quiet, docile, and even kind personality. He is very willing to help people out due to his versatility. He enjoys many activities, although swimming and eatin are his favorite activities. He is intelligent, despite his beastly appearance, and boasts a rather high IQ. He carries a locket in his pocket with a picture of his parents and him as a child (before he was mutated), showing that he has a caring side. He wishes to find his parents and meet them now that he's grown up.<br />
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    Jausse has a love of animals, particularly fish (even though he eats fish). He has many fish tanks in his room, all filled with different types of fish and other marine life. He also likes cats, having around six of them. He keeps his cats all in one room that is locked and can only opened by his key. He does this in case he goes in a blood frenzy, as he does not wish to harm is cats.<br />
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    In a blood frenzy, he has no real personality, but just an endless hunger that is dying to be satisfied.<br />
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    Story: Shall be posted soon.
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