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  • Artist Info: There's not much to say about me, except that I'm random, hyper, and horribly optimistic. My life is a series of hyper states, then tired states, then the cycle repeats itself cuz it has nothing better to do. My true loves are art, music, shoes (my own personal style, at least), crazy/fun socks, books, television, movies, sleeping, writing random crap, and singing the most random songs stuck in my head. I'm basically nothing without my friends or my family (yes, even my crazy, psycho brothers). I could list all my favorites, but that would take too much of my time, cuz I'm lazy and that would only bore people (even though no one's gonna read this, I'm just typing this to fill this neat, empty space in my profile), plus, only my friends would want to read my favorites and I have all of them on Facebook and, if they need to know, they can just ask. Whatever, I'm just ranting now! If you DO have anything to say, just write a comment and go on your way! MUCHO LOVE-O!<br />
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