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Hey There. c: <br />
I was given the Name Jenna.<br />
People tend to call me whatever they like though, and that's perfectly fine by me. Otherwise Jenn, or Jen works just fine. <br />
My Msn is Cannibalistic_cookies@hotmail.com <br />
Add me if you want. c: <br />
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Here's a little bit about me-<br />
Sorry this list is a wee bit long<br />
I love to write<br />
I adore drawing<br />
I enjoy reading<br />
I live for Gaia<br />
I really love rain {Cliché I know.}<br />
My favorite color's Green.<br />
This is my 3rd account.<br />
I'm shy <br />
I'm very creative.<br />
I love to sculpt.<br />
I'm taken <3<br />
And I can't say I've ever been happier. C:<br />
to me my birthday is nonexistent. I don't acknowledge it... So neither should you. <br />
I have a very eh childish voice.<br />
I have a silly laugh.<br />
I tend to have a soft voice.<br />
I'm in no way, at all, anywhere near perfect.<br />
I've made a ton of mistakes, and honestly I still have yet to fix some. <br />
I can't be classified under any sort of clique, so don't bother trying. <br />
I'm really good at messing up. <br />
I can be lazy at times.<br />
I'm a wimp, and I can't fight. .____. <br />
I have a strange imagination.<br />
I'm somewhat mature for my age. <br />
I'm not really perverted, or funny, but I enjoy people who are.<br />
I find it pretty easy to make friends. <br />
I hate that I have to say I'm sorry so much. <br />
I suck at holding grudges.<br />
I don't actually hate anyone, although I don't agree with a lot of peoples ideas of beliefs.<br />
I'm not sexist, or racist. You earn my opinion.<br />
My best Friend in the world is teaching me that Judging, no matter how normal it may seem, is not right.<br />
I don't like cussing, but it's become a habit. So I apologize in advance. I'm trying to stop. <br />
Promises mean nothing to me, In this world people have forgotten what a promise is.<br />
I also don't usually believe people when they tell me to trust them. If you've earned it then obviously I will, but otherwise it's as worthless as promises are to me. <br />
I tend to be a boring person to hang out with. <br />
That being said I don't really like talking. <br />
I'm horrible at small talk.<br />
I'm very awkward on the phone. <br />
I live in Florida<br />
I hate Florida, way to sunny just in case your wondering<br />
I'm generally really nice. Which I'm learning isn't always a good thing.<br />
I love meeting new people.<br />
My life wouldn't be complete without Music. <br />
I like most kinds of music except most rap and hiphop<br />
I'm currently a Student. <br />
I usually spend my days hanging out on Msn and Youtube, On my phone, or Hanging with my Bestie Brooke. <br />
That being said I do have a Msn, Ask for it if you'd like. <br />
I'm Christian.<br />
I'm Conservative Republican. And Damn proud of it. ^-^<br />
Spelling and Grammar obviously are not my thing, but I do try to correct myself.<br />
I'm a Pacifist, so obviously I don't enjoy fighting. <br />
My Best friend on Gaia has to be Katie, who has helped me so much <3<br />
I hate it when people ignore me.<br />
And I hate it when people are rude. <br />
So don't add me if you do/are either of those. <br />
I also have a long list of things that disgust me but that's a whole 'nother paragraph I don't fell like typing up.<br />
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Don't Ask.<br />
I do not do art or signs<br />
I do not give out pics.<br />
I do not give out My number. {Unless your special.}<br />
I do not donate any longer. {I'm actually poor believe it or not e.e}<br />
That being said I also do not accept donations. <br />
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Uh that's all I'm saying for now. <br />
Wanna know more? Then talk to me dur... <br />
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Anywho Bye! o 3o<br />
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