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  • Artist Info: Me? You don't want to know. In all honesty I'm nothing. I'm just me. But, I guess I can tell about myself a bit here.<br />
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    I'm a music nut, usually listening to music. If I'm not, I'm playing some kind of video game, or playing Magic. I believe we are screwed, as a species, we are dying, ending our own lives by our own greed. Even the new generation, they stand no chance. If we die in 2012, it will be a saving grace.<br />
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    I'm Wiccan, I believe Christians are fucked in the head and need to be slapped into reality. To believe in a God that has supposedly forsaken you? I would rather die, to be honest.<br />
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    Some people call me Loki, for other reasons. Some people just use my real name, and no, you won't know that. I'm 20, almost 21, and I kick ass...maybe. I hope for a better future, though I don't hold my breath.<br />
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    I have a beautiful love, that I stand by any second I can, even if she drives me insane half the time. I love anyone who stands for who they are, Bi, Gay, Lesbian, Drag, or just plain weird. I hate normality, I hate trends. You, be the fuck who you are, and if people say you must be this or that, then FUCK THEM. They have no right. This is your world, shape it the way you want it. Shape your own body/life the way you want it.
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