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    Yo. Username is BlackFruity,
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    I'm mostly committed to a single Naruto RP guild on Gaia and I work in retail. I live in Australia so please excuse any time delay in messages between us. I have been RPing on Gaia since August 4th, 2005. I enjoy realism in any creative writing piece, including the feel of natural character growth and 'slow-burn' situations. <br />
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    I am a salty individual. I do enjoy moments of pettiness against people who talk smack about me, and I have enjoyed watching drama unfold from a distance, so long as it doesn't negatively affect people I care about. I also have a strong work ethic, which has caused issues with people I have felt have are more trouble than help in getting any task done.<br />
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    High ratings in anxiety and depression, believes SJWs are more hurtful to society than an aid. Will use preferred pronouns, unless you're a hypocrite, insincere, or a parasite, because there are people who do it for attention, and not for the betterment of their own life. Believes that 'Transtrenders' and other such attention-seeking individuals are a real thing, but may be born from a lack of education.
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